Which caricaturist, starting in 1778, went on to savage George III, major politicians, Napoléon Bonaparte, war, French Jacobins and debauched English gentlemen, and to establish the "honest" countryman John Bull as the epitome of Englishness?
James Gillray Gillray (1756 - 1815) was a British caricaturist and printmaker famous for etched political and social satires. He worked later than, and greatly admired, Hogarth. His work is described as "vicious satire and scatological humour" and for "wit and humour, knowledge of life, fertility of resource, keen sense of the ludicrous, and beauty of execution".
Which early 20th century artist gained a reputation for the beauty and novelty of his staging of operas, plays and ballets, especially in Paris, London, Berlin and New York?
King George III signed The Instrument of Foundation on 10 December 1768 for (and made large grants from his private funds to) which independent, privately funded institution?