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The island known in ancient myth and legend as the “land of the lotus eaters”, where Odysseus was said............

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The island known in ancient myth and legend as the “land of the lotus eaters”, where Odysseus was said to have been stranded on his voyage, lies off the coast of what country?

posted Apr 13, 2022 by Deepak Chitragar

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The island is Djerba, or Jarbah, named in ancient trading by Phoenicians and Romans as Meninx. It lies in the Gulf of Gabès and is the largest island of North Africa. It has been much in demand, having been occupied, taken and/or ruled by numerous interests including Phoenicians, Romans, Ibadi Muslims, Christians of Sicily and Aragon, the Norman Kingdom of Sicily, Barbary pirates, the Ottoman Empire, Spain, and France.

answer Apr 14, 2022 by Mohammad