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On which body of knowledge was the 1552 "Badianus" manuscript of botanical medicine (in various libraries...............

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On which body of knowledge was the 1552 "Badianus" manuscript of botanical medicine (in various libraries in Europe but not published until early 20th century) based?

posted May 3, 2022 by Udita

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The manuscript was a translation from a Nahuatl original based on the work of Aztec physicians, composed in Santa Cruz, Mexico, and then sent to Europe. The 1552 manuscript is the first illustrated and descriptive scientific text of the vast body of Nahua medicine, experience, pharmacological remedies, medicinal plants and botany produced in the Americas. It is the work of two Aztec Indians, Martinus de la Cruz, a native physician who composed the work in Aztec, and another Indian, Juannes Badianus, who translated the text into Latin. it shows no traces of European influence.

answer May 4, 2022 by Mridul
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