Developments, initially by researchers in the University of Manchester, in creating a graphene sieve are aimed at doing what?
Filtering and de-salinating water The sieve can filter out salts from seawater, producing drinkable water. In 2012 a team of researchers led by Andre Geim of the University of Manchester who was first to isolate graphene in 2004 found that graphene-oxide membranes were impermeable to all gases and vapours except for water. Challenges include producing atomically precise holes in a one-atom thick sheet of carbon atoms (graphene). In 2020, Vanderbilt engineers are refining the method of installing the holes.
Initially mentioned in a 1906 trade magazine, later described in Dorothy Levitt's book "The Woman and the Car", then used in Ray Harroun's racing car, what did Elmer Brigg call it after he patented it in 1911?
In some of the areas, plastic bags are ban. But there are lot areas in this world, where plastic bags are used at high scale. Is there a technology that can help us made biodegradable bags for industrial purpose or at high scale.