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Which play, and then novel, explores, through the 164-year-history of one family, a social system much criticised.......

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Which play, and then novel, explores, through the 164-year-history of one family, a social system much criticised since the 19th century?

posted Jun 21, 2022 by Balwinder

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The Lehman Trilogy
The drama is seen in the play as a incisive example of capitalism. The global financial services firm, Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. founded in 1847, filed for bankruptcy in 2008 after disastrous involvement in subprime mortgages. Lehman's bankruptcy filing is the largest in US history, and is thought to have played a major role in the unfolding of the financial crisis of 2007–2008. The playwright is Italian novelist and playwright Stefano Massini.

answer Jun 22, 2022 by Mohammad
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