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Some lorises are popular for the pet trade, although most species are endangered and one particularly popular loris.....

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Some lorises are popular for the pet trade, although most species are endangered and one particularly popular loris can deliver a poisonous, even life-threatening, bite. Which one is this?

posted Sep 26, 2022 by Amarvansh

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Slow loris
Lorises are nocturnal South and Southeast Asian forest primates. The slow loris can excrete a substance from a gland on the inside of its arm which, when activated by licking, makes its saliva highly toxic. The capacity for venom is unique among primates. According to the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), all species of lorises except the gray slender loris are considered threatened, several endangered, and one was classified as critically endangered in 2013.

answer Sep 27, 2022 by Pankaj Deshmukh
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