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Where is the largest waterfall in the world by depth and water volume?

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Where is the largest waterfall in the world by depth and water volume?
posted Nov 15, 2022 by Rahul Chandel

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The Denmark Strait
At the bottom of the Denmark Strait between Iceland and Greenland are a series of cataracts that begin 610 m (2,000 ft) under the Strait’s surface and fall to a depth of over 3,000 m (10,000 ft) at the southern tip of Greenland, creating a downward flow estimated at well over 3.5 million cubic m (123 million cubic ft) per second. The Strait cataract is more than 3 times the height of Angel Falls in Venezuela, considered the tallest waterfall (on land), and its flow is equivalent to a minimum of about 140 times the flow of the Livingstone Falls (and close to 2,000 Niagara Falls at peak flow).

answer Nov 16, 2022 by Harshita Dhaliwal