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Swedish physician, global health expert, data visionary and public speaker Dr. Hans Rosling is associated..........

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Swedish physician, global health expert, data visionary and public speaker Dr. Hans Rosling is associated with extensive research into the cause of what paralytic disease?

posted Dec 21, 2022 by Kapil Kapoor

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The cause identified was a combination of hunger and incomplete preparation of cassava, often the main or only diet. Cassava, particularly the widespread bitter variety, holds a high concentration of cyanide until fully processed. Epidemics of konzo are seen in protein-poor communities in Africa, including rural Congo, Central African Republic, Tanzania, and Mozambique. Rosling co-founded Médecins sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders) Sweden, and was professor of Global Health at the Karolinska Institut in Stockholm. His TED talk in 2010 on his subject and the visualization software he used, developed through the Gapminder Foundation which he founded together with his son and daughter-in-law in 2005, became particularly well-known and was eventually acquired by Google.

answer Dec 22, 2022 by Balwinder