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American soldier and inventor Benjamin Tilghman was noted for inventing what process in the late 19th century?

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American soldier and inventor Benjamin Tilghman was noted for inventing what process in the late 19th century?
posted Apr 7, 2023 by Aastha Joshi

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His application for a patent for the process in 1876 in the US particularly detailed techniques such as sharpening files, engraving bottles, cleaning boilers or bringing out the grain in wood. In 1879 he opened a company in Great Britain which became a centre for the sandblasting industry and still trades (under the name Wheelabrator Group). Metal detectors are ascribed to Alexander Graham Bell, AC motor to Nikola Tesla and Galileo Ferraris, mechanical dishwasher (the first practical one) to Josephine Cochrane.

answer Apr 10, 2023 by Tapesh Kulkarni