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Netflix's 2022 true crime documentary "The Tinder Swindler" centres on what?

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Netflix's 2022 true crime documentary "The Tinder Swindler" centres on what?
posted Jun 27, 2023 by Akriti

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Women who tell of losing their money and trust to a swindler
The man whom the women describe is known as Simon Leviev. He operated and took money from women across Europe. In 2015, he served 2 years in prison in Finland after swindling three women. By 2019 he was wanted in Israel (for fraud-related crimes early in his career), Sweden, England, Germany, Denmark, and Norway, and was eventually arrested, convicted in Israel of frauds, forgery and thefts from 2011 there, and served 5 months.

answer Jun 28, 2023 by Balwinder