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Before 1066 when William the Conqueror was crowned, what body counselled the English king?

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Before 1066 when William the Conqueror was crowned, what body counselled the English king?
posted Apr 12, 2024 by Dilbagh

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The Witan, or the Witenagemot
It was drawn from nobles and bishops; the particular composition and time of meeting were determined by the king's pleasure. Its main duty was to advise the king on matters on which he chose to ask its opinion. It attested his grants of land to churches or laymen, consented to his issue of new laws or new statements of ancient custom, helped him deal with rebels and persons suspected of disaffection, advised on election of archbishops and bishops and other matters of major national importance. It was also the body to choose or consent to a new king.

answer Apr 15, 2024 by Rahul Vaidya