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What is the background of the character Kim in the 1901 book of the same name by Nobel Prize-winning English author.....

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What is the background of the character Kim in the 1901 book of the same name by Nobel Prize-winning English author Rudyard Kipling?

posted May 2, 2024 by Anshika Utadi

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An orphan vagabond during the British Raj in India
Kim is the orphaned son of a soldier in the Irish regiment stationed in India during the British Raj and a poor Irish woman. His early life is surviving on the streets as a native child. He searches for enlightenment with a lama, then is forced to adopt his British white heritage. The book was first published serially in McClure's Magazine as well as in Cassell's Magazine before being published as a single work.

answer May 3, 2024 by Mohammad