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Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (1836 - 1917) was the first woman in Britain to be elected to a school board, the first......

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Elizabeth Garrett Anderson (1836 - 1917) was the first woman in Britain to be elected to a school board, the first female mayor in Britain, and the first …?

posted Nov 22, 2024 by Rajni

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Woman to qualify in Britain as a physician and surgeon
She was also the co-founder of the first hospital staffed by women, the first dean of a British medical school, and a suffragist. One of her sisters was Dame Millicent Garrett Fawcett, leader for 50 years of the non-militant movement for women's suffrage in England and founder of Newnham College, Cambridge, one of the first English university colleges for women.

answer Nov 25, 2024 by Balwinder
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