Leonhart Fuchs A major work by Fuchs was a 1542 herbal which details plants and their uses as medicines, and includes about 500 accurate, high-quality and detailed drawings of the plants.
What is both the botanical name and the English common name of a genus of flowering plants, sometimes also called sugarbushes, that were named in 1735 by Carolus Linnaeus?
Which is a surname of a famous 16th century English scientist and statesman (and, in a later century, a famous British painter)?
Who is remembered in the name for the "cold rain" process, the process by which precipitation starts in a mixed cloud with a temperature below freezing, e.g. how ice crystals grow at the expense of liquid cloud droplets within the cloud?
What is a form of alternative medicine, first proposed by German physician Samuel Hahnemann in 1796, which uses reference books known as "repertories"?
Which German-born composer became a naturalised Englishman, wrote 30 operas in the 18th century, and is more famous now for his oratorios such as "The Messiah"?