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Which other countries celebrates Independence day along with India on 15th August?

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Which other countries celebrates Independence day along with India on 15th August?
posted Sep 23, 2015 by Maninder Bath

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2 Answers

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August 15 is celebrated as Liberation Day in Korea. On August 15, 1960, the Republic of Congo (Brazzaville) declared its independence from France.

answer Sep 23, 2015 by Rupali Dadhe
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1945 – Jewel Voice Broadcast by the Emperor Showa following effective surrender of Japan in the World War II, Korea gains Independence from the Empire of Japan.
1947 – India gains Independence from British rule after near 190 years of Crown rule and joins the Commonwealth of Nations.
1960 – Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville) becomes independent from France.
1971 – Bahrain gains independence from the United Kingdom.

answer Aug 17, 2017 by Brijesh Talwar