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Which classical Indian dance is traditionally performed by men?

+4 votes
Which classical Indian dance is traditionally performed by men?
posted Oct 13, 2015 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Kathakali is famous dance form mostly performed by men.
Kathakali is still hugely a male domain but, since the 1970s, females too have made entry into the art form on a recognizable scale.

Kathakali dance
Typically all the actor-dancers are males who get dressed up as woman or man depending on the role, but in modern performances women have been welcomed into the Kathakali tradition

answer Mar 11, 2017 by Atindra Kumar Nath
But I thought that Bhangra is the folk dance were only men participate..
This could may be right, you can add your answer just explain it why performed by men.