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Famous battle of HaldiGhati was fought between which two armies and what was the outcome?

+3 votes
Famous battle of HaldiGhati was fought between which two armies and what was the outcome?
posted Dec 4, 2015 by anonymous

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2 Answers

+1 vote

Till to date the result is still considered indecisive.

Please refer

Thanks for sharing this knowledge.


answer Dec 5, 2015 by Uma Maheswar Nakka
0 votes

Addiing to what UMA sir has answered....

Battle of HaldiGhati was fought between Armies of Mughal Emperor Akbar and Rajput King Maharana Pratap. From the Rajput side Paharana himself was leading the army while from the Mughal side Raja Man Singh of Amber, the great general of the Mughal Emperor Akbar was leading the army.

Size of Army
Man Singh was commanding of more than a 2,50,000-strong army. While Maharana was leading 3000 cavalry, as per the accounts of the Mughals which consist of Bhils tribe, the Tanwars of Gwalior, the Rathores of Merta, a group of Afghan warriors led by commander Hakim Khan Sur and many small Hindu and Muslim kingdoms who wanted to defeat the Mughals.

Time And Location of Battle
Battle took place at the Haldi Ghati, a mountain pass in the Aravalli Range of Rajasthan in western India and 40 kilometres from Udaipur on 18 or 21 June 1576 . This battle is considered as one of the most significant events in the history of the Rajputs and this battle was also one of the shortest battles in Indian history, which lasted for only 4 hours.

Outcome of Battle
Battle's result is considered indecisive or it can be considered as a temporary victory for the Mughals but battle was "a glorious defeat" for Mewar.

answer Dec 5, 2015 by Salil Agrawal
Good Evening dear Salil beta,

I really admire your cultured way you presented your answer cum comment.
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My pleasure Uma Uncle :)
Good Evening
That's great my son,
Blessings of Allah shower on you.
My blessings to you.
Thanks Uncle

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