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Kei Perenna Hoi Ting, who has been named as world’s youngest billionaire is from which country?

+4 votes
Kei Perenna Hoi Ting, who has been named as world’s youngest billionaire is from which country?
posted Jan 3, 2015 by Vrije Mani Upadhyay

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Kei Perenna Hoi Ting, 24-Year-Old Chinese Woman, has been named as the World's youngest billionaire. She have stakes worth $1.3 billion in a real estate firm to replace Facebook co-founder Dustin Moskovitz.

Daughter of Ji Haipeng who is the CEO of Chinese real estate firm ?(Logan Property), Kei Perenna is a non-executive director of the company and holds 85% stake in it. She is graduate from University of London.

Logan Property has interests in mid and high-end residential housing and it headquarters is located in Shenzhen city. Kei Perenna lives in Hong Kong.

answer Jan 5, 2015 by Manikandan J