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Which country is largest producer of fruits and which one is largest consumer?

+4 votes
Which country is largest producer of fruits and which one is largest consumer?
posted Mar 6, 2016 by anonymous

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2 Answers

+1 vote

China is the largest producer of fruits in the world with approx 70 m tonnes of annual production.

Top Ten fruits producers of the world (in million tonnes annually)
China 70
India 50
Brazil 31
USA 30
Italy 18
Spain 14
Mexico 14
Iran 11
Philippines 11
France 11

Though its wrong to find which country consumes the fruit most as it per capita fruit consumption is the right matrix. Having said that the India is the country where consumption of fruit is highest.

Top ten countries with Highest Fruit Consumption (per Capita KG)
Luxembourg 202
Ghana 172
Netherlands 162
Montenegro 156
Austria 146
Albania 143
Italy 141
Brazil 139
Iran 139
Norway 138

answer Mar 8, 2016 by Salil Agrawal
0 votes

China - the largest producer of fruit
Luxembourg - the largest consumer

answer Mar 8, 2016 by Vishi Gulati
But Europe is not a country...