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Only Daredevil Can Drive Through These Roads of India?

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1. Kinnaur Road

Kinnaur Road is a scenic cliff-hanging drive through the seemingly bottomless Baspa river gorge in Sangla Valley in Kinnaur district of Himachal Pradesh, India. 

2. Bara-Lacha Pass

Bara-lacha la also known as Bara-lacha Pass, or Bārā Lācha La,(el. 4,890 m or 16,040 ft) is a high mountain pass in Zanskar range, connecting Lahaul district in Himachal Pradesh to Ladakh in Jammu and Kashmir, situated along the Leh–Manali Highway.

3. Khardung La Road

Khardung La. is a mountain pass located in the Ladakh region of the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. The local pronunciation is "Khardong La" or "Khardzong La," but, as with most names in Ladakh, the romanised spelling varies.

4. Munnar Road

A narrow Zig-Zag road starting from Kochi. Mist and fog in the Nilgiri ranges is treacherous, and combine this with dangerous high altitude roads without embankments makes a perfect situation for a thriller.

5. Saach Pass Road

Sach Pass is a 14500 ft high mountain pass in Chamba District, Himachal Pradesh, India on the Pir Panjal Range of the Himalayas. It is 127 km (79 mi) from the District Headquarters. It connects the Chamba valley with the Pangi valleys of Himachal Pradesh, India.

6. Keylong Kishtwar Road

Terrifying high mountain trail, with a length of 233 km, located in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh, linking Keylong and Kishtwar. It’s incredibly disorienting to look over the edge, or even just to see the valleys a couple thousand feet below you. It’s a mind numbing vertical drop of hundreds of meters so you might want to give it a miss on a windy day.

7. Kunzum La Road

Kunzum Pass is a high mountain pass on the eastern Kunzum Range of the Himalayas some 122 km (76 mi) from Manali. It connects the Kullu Valley and Lahaul Valley with the Spiti Valley of Himachal Pradesh, India. It is on the route to Kaza the subdivisional headquarters of Spiti. There is also a 9 km trek to the Moon Lake of the Chandratal from the Kunzum Pass.


8. Kolli Hills

70 continuous hairpin bends take you to the Kolli Malai or “The Mountains Of Death”. They are actually continuous. It definitely gives us goosebumps.

9. Jalori Pass

This pass is the nearest mountain pass from Delhi. It is located at a height of 10,800 ft. above the sea level in the Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh. There are restaurants to take lunch at its top but it is no an easy task reaching there.

10. Rohtang Pass Road

Rohtang Pass  is a high mountain pass on the eastern Pir Panjal Range of the Himalayas around 51 km (32 mi) from Manali. It connects the Kullu Valley with the Lahaul and Spiti Valleys of Himachal Pradesh, India.

posted Mar 25, 2016 by Deepak Jangid

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Driving on Indian streets resemble strolling on a tight rope. You must be truly cautious with the wheels due to despicable street conditions that could test the persistence of even the most prepared drivers. Be that as it may, you truly merit an award on the off chance that you've driven on the accompanying Indian streets and roadways. These are truly numerous roadways to hell.


1. Zoji La Pass 

The flicker of an eye could arrive a vehicle straight down from an elevation of 3,538 meters! Zoji La Pass is one of the nation's most feared streets as it is horribly limited and secured in snow ooze round the season. You'll go over this course while advancing toward Leh from Srinagar. The pass is a noteworthy connection amongst Ladakh and Kashmir.


2. Neral-Matheran Road

This serpentine road will send your heart to your mouth for sure! The road, that goes up to Matheran from Neral, is as smooth as butter. But you cannot speed up due to its narrowness. If you don't want to drive it, there are many share taxis that take tourists in hoards right up to Matheran.


3. National Highway 22

The name 'interstate to damnation' appears to be more proper for this frightening parkway than the current unassuming National Highway 22. Touted as one of India's most unsafe interstates, the street here makes you slice through a mountain. Simultaneously, demise looms over you as precipices and passages all around. National Highway 22 was additionally highlighted in the History Channel's "IRT Deadliest Roads" TV arrangement for its poor support and risky condition.


4. Chang La 

Drivers experience windedness and sickness while going through this course. Chang La is secured with snow consistently and is monitored by the armed force because of its nearness to the Chinese outskirt. It is prudent to convey additional warm garments and a restorative unit with you, as the winds and atmosphere can be amazingly cruel. 


5. Leh-Manali Highway 

Driving on this course is a gigantic torment, in light of the fact that the highway is constantly "trafficked" and you move at a snail's pace. At the point when the snow-loaded street defrost with ice hurls, a few trucks and four-wheelers are said to have endured hopeless harm. 


6. Munnar Road 

Like the Neral-Matheran street, Munnar Road too has twisty turns and high slants. The sweet smell of new tea leaves will waft through your drive, however you will be irritated via rushed drivers who drive on the smooth go as though it were a motorbike runway! 


7. Three level Zig Zag Road 

Situated in Sikkim, these winding streets make for the most grand perspectives. At 11,200 ft over the ocean level, this street will give you the best perspective of the Himalayan crown. The breathtaking streets will send your head into a hissy fit regardless of the fact that you're perched on the secondary lounge. You require exceptional licenses to go through, as the street is not for the timid!


8. Khardung La Pass 

Under the armed force's nearby investigation, this pass is secured with clasp turns that will have the most prepared drivers frightful. Khardung La Pass gives you a passage to Nubra Valley and stays shut every year from October to May because of cruel conditions. 


9. Kishtwar-Kailash Road 

In 2013, competitor Mick Fowler and his climbing accomplice, Paul Ramsden, archived their way through the most risky Kishtwar-Kailash street. The one path way, which crosses through the recently framed J&K area, is dangerous to the point that it will make your GPS quit working for you. The ascension is awful, and one rushed move could arrive you on your deathbed. 


10. Rajmachi Road 

The graveled street arranged in the Sahyadris has a hustle-clamor of trekkers and bikers. The way gets dangerous amid the storms, which makes it troublesome for riders to ride on it. 


11. Kinnaur Road 

Kinnaur street will flabbergast you with its bluff hanging drives and dim tight openings. A modest slip-up, and you will sprinkle into the Baspa stream that will take no opportunity to swallow you. The valley street stays shut amid substantial snowfall. On the off chance that you ever get an opportunity to go through along these lines, please make an effort to remain additional watchful around the perilous Taranda dhank which is scandalous for asserting lives. 


12. Nathu La Pass 

This pass is said to be the most elevated motorable street on the planet. It is one of the three open exchanging fringe posts amongst China and India and is found 54 km east of Gangtok, the capital of Sikkim, and 430 km from Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. The street here gets hindered because of monstrous avalanches and snow slime, making driving a terrible affair here.


13. Valparai Tirupati ghat 

It is difficult to achieve the most swarmed sanctuary on earth. Tirupati has a ghat which is entirely hazardous and inclined to mischances. You must be additional watchful while going through the turns and turns that are rich out and about. 


14. Gata Loops 

It's a progression of twenty one fastener twists that you will go over when you're driving on the Leh-Manali carport. The street is said to be spooky by a phantom of a traveler who was covered here. Individuals offer cigarettes and mineral water on the spot and afterward go ahead with their excursion. 


15. Pune-Mumbai Expressway 

Aside from avalanches, the Pune-Mumbai road has a huge amount of reckless drivers surpassing and crisscrossing their direction, which causes some genuine mishaps. There are likewise situations where drivers have dozed in the driver's seat, because of weariness and lack of sleep. A report uncovers that around 14,186 mischances occurred on the interstate between January 2006 and August 2014 and 925 individuals kicked the bucket between January 2006 and June 2013. Further examinations uncovered that 60% of mischances happened because of inconsiderateness and human mistake. 


About 1.3 million people die in traffic accidents every year. The World Health Organization has declared 2011-2021, "A decade of action for road safety." But while many of those deaths could be prevented by better driving, there are some roads that test the skill, and courage, of any driver.

Let's take a look at top 12 deadly roads in the World you would never want to drive on:

1. North Yungas Road, Bolivia

Also known as the “Road of Death” in the Yungas region of Bolivia. It is legendary for its extreme danger and the Inter-American Development Bank christened it as the “world’s most dangerous road”. One estimate is that 200 to 300 travellers are killed yearly along the road. The road includes cross markings on many of the spots where vehicles have fallen. It is a regular occurrence for buses and trucks to go tumbling to the valley below, especially when they try passing each other.

2. Jalalabad–Kabul Road, Afghanistan

Many roads have been dubbed "most dangerous," but the 65-kilometer stretch of highway from Jalalabad to Kabul has more claim than most, snaking through Taliban territory. But it's not the threat of insurgency that makes Highway 1 so dangerous -- it's a combination of the narrow, winding lanes that climb up to 600 meters through the Kabul gorge and the reckless Afghan drivers trying to overtake the heavily-burdened haulage trucks.

3. James Dalton Highway, Alaska

The Dalton Highway is a 667 km road in Alaska. It begins at the Elliott Highway, north of Fairbanks, and ends at Deadhorse near the Arctic Ocean and the Prudhoe Bay oil fields. Although appearing serene at first glance, is filled with potholes, small flying rocks carried by fast winds, and worst of all it runs through the middle of nowhere.

4. Karakoram Highway, Pakistan

The Karakoram highway links China and Pakistan at the Khunjerab Pass, at an altitude of 4,693 meters. It's prone to landslides and floods and to make matters worse, the road is unpaved in Pakistan. But it is still a tourist attraction, passing through some spectacular gorges along the old Silk Road. It has been named the "Friendship Highway" by the governments who built it, despite 810 Pakistani and 82 Chinese workers losing their lives during construction, mostly in landslides.

5. Guoliang Tunnel Road, China

The Guoliang Tunnel is carved along the side of and through a mountain in China. It may be hard to see in the photo, this road was hollowed out of the side of a mountain by several villagers from the town of Guoliang. Before the construction of this mountain pass the village was cut of from the rest of civilization by the surrounding cliffs. Although it doesn’t see much traffic, due to its construction it is inherently fairly dangerous.

6. The Zoji Pass, India

The Zoji La is a mountain road between Kashmir and Ladakh and it looks like little more than a dusty pathway through the western Himalayas. But it's a lifeline that keeps the people of Ladakh in touch with the rest of the world, although it's often cut off by heavy snow in winter. The nine-kilometer stretch of road meanders over the mountain at 3,528 meters, with no barrier on one side and just the hard rock face on the other. Definitely not for anyone suffering from vertigo or a fear of landslides.

7. Skippers Canyon Road, New Zealand

The Skippers Canyon Road, located in New Zealand, is unbelievably scary as it’s made from a very narrow cut in the middle of a sheer cliff face. This winding road actually requires a special permit to drive. If you do manage to get permission though, be ready for a slippery challenge and good luck if you run into someone coming from the other direction.

8. Los Caracoles Pass, Chile

These steep, dizzying bends slalom through the Andes between Uspallata in Argentina and Los Andes in Chile. The remote location, its elevation of 3,176 meters and the procession of articulated lorries make the drive even more frightening. There's no safety barrier either. Nonetheless, even tourist coaches use the road, at least when it's not cut off by snow in winter. An easier option is to go by air or take the Transandine Railway -- if it's ever brought back into service.

9. The Stelvio Pass, Italy

The Stelvio Pass located in Italy, at 9045 feet is the highest paved mountain pass in the Eastern Alps, and the second highest in the Alps, slightly below the Col de l’Iseran 9088 feet. Some roads look a lot more dangerous than they really are. With more hairpins than Helena Bonham Carter, the Stelvio Pass looks like a child’s scribble over the hills. The road climbs almost two kilometers and, with just a low concrete barrier between you and the steep mountain drop, it’s best not to look down. A bit too much speed on one of the road’s 60 180-degree corners could spell disaster.

10. The Widow-maker, United Kingdom

This scenic country road through England's Peak District was named by the Road Safety Foundation in 2010 as the United Kingdom's most dangerous road, with 34 fatal or serious accidents from 2006 to 2008. Many of the casualties are motorcyclists, who come to enjoy the wide open space and bucolic scenes. However, the road's treacherous bends, edged by steep embankments and stone walls, make it far more dangerous than it looks, leading to its grim local nickname, the "widow-maker."

11. Sichuan-Tibet Highway, China

The Sichuan-Tibet Highway, a high-elevation road between Chengdu and Tibet where landslides and rock avalanches are common, is undoubtedly part of the problem. It is a road with a record of over 7,500 deaths for every 100,000 drivers has reason to be feared. Due to rock slides, avalanches, and poor weather drivers should certainly use caution.

12. The coast roads, Croatia

In a country that experiences an average of 11,650 traffic accidents a year, it's no wonder that Croatia also makes it onto the Association for Safe International Road Travel's list of some of the world's most dangerous roads. Congestion and speeding are a problem along the Adriatic coastal roads, which are infamous in the region for their blind corners, sharp bends that cling to the cliff face as well as a frequent lack of safety barriers.



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Total Length: 456 km


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Total Length: 1465 km


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Total Length: 1949 km

NH7 (Longest as of 2014)

Route (Major Cities): Varanasi-Mangawan-Rewa-Jabalpur-Lakhnadon-Nagpur-Hyderabad-Kurnool-Bangalore-Krishnagiri-Salem-Dindigul-Madurai-Kanyakumari
Total Length: 2369 km


Route (Major Cities): Delhi-Jaipur-Ajmer-Udaipur-Ahmedabad-Vadodara-Mumbai
Total Length: 1375 km


Route (Major Cities): Delhi-Fazilka-Indo Pak Border
Total Length: 403km


Bangalore is known as Garden city and one of the best part of the Garden City is the opportunity to get away from it during the weekends. There are several exciting road trips that make your trip a memorable one, and I am covering 14 weekend drips from Bangalore to wonderful destinations?

1) Skandagiri
For the historical and adventurous, Skandagiri is a perfect outing which can be done within a day and half. Located 60km outside of Bangalore, on the Chikkaballapur stretch is this quaint hilly village. Along the drive to the base of the hill, catch a glimpse of rural lifestyle and savour scenic views.

2) Nandi Hills
Nandi Hills

A must-to-do Bangalore road trip, Nandi Hills or Nandi Betta is best known for rolling green slopes surrounding the Amrit Sarovar Lake and a pleasant weather all year through. Either mountain biking or motor biking, this trail is great for those newly initiated into the adventure sport.

3) Sangam
Drive on the Kanakpura to reach this natural footprint where the River Arkavathy merges with River Cauvery. A piece of wonderment awaits at Mekedatu, the end of a probable destination for a bike trip from Bangalore.

4) Avalabetta
A hilly retreat, a paradise for nature lovers, Avalabetta is a lovely spot with beauty and serenity crowning its presence. At about 90kms from Bangalore off the Bellary road, it is an enjoyable destination.

5) Ranganathittu

A flourishing breeding and nesting ground for several migratory birds, Ranganathittu is Asia’s most preferred stop over. An accidentally created set of six islets, the bird sanctuary is a haven for nature and bird lovers alike. A deviation from Srirangapatna along the Coorg state way, this is an ideal getaway and among the enjoyable road trip from Bangalore.

6) Mysore
Words fall short to describe the historically rich neighbouring city of Bangalore. A bike trip from Bangalore to Mysore unravels many appeals. Irrespective of the time one heads out, here’s one state highway which is energetic and crowded from the word go.

7) Lepakshi
A historic and archaeological destination, Lepakshi fulfils a desire to go back in time. Best known for its hanging pillar, this village in Andhra Pradesh is quite similar to styling of Vijayanagar architecture at Hampi.

8) Hogenakkal
Hogenakkal Falls, 40km from Dharmapuri is popular for its glittered as a great backdrop for several regional and Bollywood films. A brilliant option for a Bangalore road trip, because it cannot be reached via direct access of public transport.

9) BR Hills
BR Hills
BR Hills, the popular name for Biligirirangana Hills is an ideal road trip from Bangalore for a short vacation if wilderness and adventure is what is on the radar. Situated between the Eastern and Western Ghats, most of the hills are protected areas of the Biligiri Rangaswamy Sanctuary – a major tiger reserve.

10) Kabini
Escape from the city’s crowd and deadline chaos into the wilderness to Kabini – no destination at a journey’s end comes close to this. Straight off a prescription for rejuvenation, travel to Kabini is one of the finest road trips from Bangalore.

11) Horsley Hills
Horsley Hills
Located at an altitude of 4,000feet above sea level, the road leading to Horsley Hills bestows a panoramic vision of the surrounding hills. The path is extremely scenic with Mahogany, Gulmohar, Sandalwood, and Eucalyptus trees lining the road and culminating into dense verdant forests.

12) Sakleshpur
Find paradise at Sakleshpur, a beautiful hill town in Hassan district located on the Bangalore-Mangalore Highway. Nestled in the beautiful Western Ghats, much of its lush greenery is attributed to the coffee plantations enveloping the region.

13) Wayanad
Get to drive on some stretches passing through finest of nature’s creations – forests, occasional wildlife spotting, waterfalls, and more. The road to Wayanad from Bangalore takes twists and turns going through the outskirts of heritage city Mysore, with the tall Chamundi Hills guiding you through some miles.

14) Ooty
Getting to Ooty is as exciting as the bustling hill town itself. Drive along the Mysore state highway from Bangalore. You’ll pass through the thickets of Bandipur and Masinagudi where you can catch wildlife. The famed stretch has 32 hairpin bends that truly is the glamour quotient of this Bangalore road trip.

15) Coorg

Going to Coorg can only be a road trip. This divine drive is blessed with great roads which are driver’s delight. Pit stops all along the way ensure that the journey is sans hunger pangs.

16) Agumbe
Agumbe is widely known for its rain forests and perpetual wet weather. Nestled in the most beautiful part of Karnataka, Malnad the region lies in Shimoga district. This road trip from Bangalore is for the true lover of nature.

17) Pondicherry

The ECR (East Coast Road) was designed to deliver driving pleasure. A massive stretch of well laid concrete, neatly marked and well maintained ensures travellers do only what is required – enjoy the drive!

Checkout the things to do in Pondicherry.
18) Kudremukh
A pristine, grassy hill station in the lovely region of Chikmagalur, Kudremukh is calm, secluded and rich in flora and fauna. Take the NICE road from Bangalore towards Tumkur.

