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Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary is located in which city of India?

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Asola Bhatti Wildlife Sanctuary is located in which city of India?
posted Apr 27, 2016 by Vrije Mani Upadhyay

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Sanctuary is located on Southern Ridge, the northern terminal of Aravalli Hills, one of the oldest mountain system of the world. Biodiversity significance of Ridge lies in its merger with IndoGangetic plains. Legal Status of southern ridgh was uncertain till 1986 when the Delhi Administration, vide notification N. F.31(116)/CWLW/84/897-906 dated 09.10.1986, had declared 7827 Bigha 17 Biswa of Gaon Sabha land in village Asola, 2845 Bigha 17 Biswa of Gaon Sabha land of village Sahurpur and 2186 Bigha 10 Biswa of Gaon Sabha land in village Maidan Garhi as Wildlife Sanctuary under Section 18 of the Wildlife (Protection) Act, 1972, considering that the said area is of adequate ecollgical, faunal, flora, geomorphological, natural or zoological significance for the purpose of protecting, propagating or developing of wildlife or its environment.
However, in continuation of the above notification, the Delhi Administration, vide No. F.22(19)/DCF(90-91)/1383-91 dated 15.04.1991, had declared area falling in Kh. Nos. 708, 712, 713, 715, 1895 to 1900, 1903 to 1938 and 1940-1942 ad-measuring 2166.2 Acre in village Bhatti as Wildlife Sanctuary on similar grounds.


Located in South Delhi Distt. All along Delhi Haryana Faridabad & Gurgan. Approach from Tughlakabad (MehrualiBadarpur Road) to Surajkund Road (2 Km) near Krani Singh Shooting Range or from Mehruali via Chattarpur Temple 6 Km near Sanjay Colony(Bhatti Area) Distance from I.G.I. Airport 25 Km, Railway station 30 Km & Maharana Pratap Bus Stand 32 Km.

answer Apr 29, 2016 by Shivaranjini