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10 Reasons why you must drink green tea everyday!

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Green tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet. It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body. This includes improved brain function, fat loss, a lower risk of cancer and many other incredible benefits. Here are 10 health benefits of green tea that have been confirmed in human research studies.


1. Weight Loss. 

Green tea increases the metabolism. The poly phenol found in green tea works to intensify levels of fat oxidation and the rate at which your body turns food into calories.


2. Diabetes. 

Green tea apparently helps regulate glucose levels slowing the rise of blood sugar after eating. This can prevent high insulin spikes and resulting fat storage.


3. Heart Disease. 

Scientists think, green tea works on the lining of blood vessels, helping keep them stay relaxed and better able to withstand changes in blood pressure. It may also protect against the formation of clots, which are the primary cause of heart attacks.


4. Esophageal Cancer.

 It can reduce the risk of esophageal cancer, but it is also widely thought to kill cancer cells in general without damaging the healthy tissue around them.


5. Cholesterol. 

Green tea reduces bad cholesterol in the blood and improves the ratio of good cholesterol to bad cholesterol.


6. Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. 

It is said to delay the deterioration caused by Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Studies carried out on mice showed that green tea protected brain cells from dying and restored damaged brain cells.


7. Tooth Decay. 

Studies suggests that the chemical antioxidant “catechin” in tea can destroy bacteria and viruses that cause throat infections, dental caries and other dental conditions


8. Blood Pressure.

 Regular consumption of green tea is thought to reduce the risk of high blood pressure.


9. Depression. 

Theanine is an amino acid naturally found in tea leaves. It is this substance that is thought to provide a relaxing and tranquilizing effect and be a great benefit to tea drinkers.


10. Skincare.

 Green tea can apparently also help with wrinkles and the signs of aging, This is because of their antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities. Both animal and human studies have demonstrated that green tea applied topically can reduce sun damage.

posted May 3, 2016 by Kavyashree

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Counting calories is incredible on the off chance that you need to lose some inches, chop down cholesterol or expansion your vitality levels. Yet, hey, on the off chance that you are fearing your eating regimen schedule, possibly it's an ideal opportunity to offer it a reprieve. Here are 12 genuine reasons you have to quit attempting to get thinner, in light of the fact that really your body will thank you for it. 

1. You are eager constantly. 

This is an indication that your eating routine isn't satisfying your body's nourishment. It makes you hungry and some of the time frail as well. So quit starving yourself for some time. 


2. Unfortunate association with food. 

Is your association with nourishment turning into an upsetting one that you've started to fixate on? This is confirmation that you must offer yourself a tremendously required reprieve. 


3. You voraciously consume food. Constantly. 

In the event that you are pigging out constantly, you are clearly not taking after your eating routine and wind up starving yourself as well. So why not enjoy a reprieve from it for some time. 


4. You don't feel sound or adjusted. 

Your eating routine should positively affect you and your body and if that isn't going on then you have to stop. 


5. You feel touchy and cranky. 

Feeling touchy and fiddling with emotional episodes is an indication that your eating regimen is exploded backward because of hardship of vital supplements. 



6. You've lost your hankering totally. 

Losing your hankering isn't something worth being thankful for. This implies you're always on edge about what you put into your mouth and that is keeping you pushed. 


7. You are getting discouraged. 

Misery is the consequence of less sugars in your body which is required for serotonin - the neurotransmitter that keeps you upbeat. 


8. You have an inclination that you are rebuffing yourself. 

When you begin feeling like you are rebuffing yourself is the time you have to stop your eating regimen and begin eating in light of the fact that else you'll be hopeless constantly the time. 


9. You feel tired constantly. 

This implies the nourishment you are eating isn't sufficiently adequate for your body and doesn't give you any vitality. 


10. Your eating routine turns into your life. 

In the event that you've started to fixate on your eating routine to another level it's a great opportunity to offer yourself a reprieve and enjoy. 


11. Your weight changes. 

In the event that you can't go to a consistent, adjusted weight possibly it's a great opportunity to investigate your eating regimen.


An anti-cancer diet is an important strategy you can use to reduce your risk of cancer. The American Cancer Society recommends, for example, that you eat at least five servings of fruits and vegetables daily and eat the right amount of food to stay at a healthy weight. In addition, researchers are finding that certain foods may be particularly useful in protecting you from cancer.

This article of the following foods and drinks helps you to fight against cancer:

1. Garlic

Garlic helps regulate blood sugar levels and reduce insulin production. Low insulin levels in your blood cells helps to prevent tumor-growing cells. Garlic is known to reduce the risk for breast and prostate cancer. A phytonutrient in garlic called diallyl disulfide helps prevent cancer of the lung, skin and colon. Diallyl disulfide also helps to kill leukemia cells, according to Foods That Heal.

2. Broccoli

Broccoli is another plant that can help minimize the possibility of getting cancer. It contains several nutrients such as vitamins A and C, calcium, fiber and folic acid. The calcium content of broccoli not only builds strong bones but research has shown that it is also responsible for managing high blood pressure. Broccoli also contains two phytochemicals that are very crucial to our health. These chemicals are; Isothiocyanates and indoles. These enzymes increase the activity of various enzymes in our body that are known to suppress agents that cause cancer. Health organizations recommend the intake of broccoli several times per week and they are linked to low rates of cancer.

3. Beans

All beans contain compounds called protease inhibitors that help prevent cancerous cells from affecting nearby tissue. Phytochemicals in beans help to slow down or prevent damage to cells that cause cancer. Beans have been found to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, according to the Stanford Prevention Research Center.

4. Turmeric

Turmeric is widely used in India for cooking because of its flavor and the yellow color that makes food look appealing. It is also used to make mustard and to add color to cheese and butter. Turmeric has been used for the treatment of various health conditions for over 4,000. Studies reveal that turmeric may be useful against multiple infections and certain types of cancers, treat problems of the digestive system and reduce inflammation.

5. Grapes

The skin of red grapes is a particularly rich source of an antioxidant called resveratrol. Grape juice and red wine also contain this antioxidant. According to the National Cancer Institute, resveratrol may be useful in keeping cancer from beginning or spreading. Lab studies have found that it limits the growth of many kinds of cancer cells; in men, moderate amounts of red wine have been linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer.

6. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are the primary source of lycopene which is an antioxidant that makes tomatoes red. It is also known to protect cells and the DNA from being damaged. Approximately 10,000 deaths occur every year in the UK due to prostate cancer with around 35000 cases of new infection. Studies have revealed that men who have a high intake of tomatoes are less likely to get prostate cancer.

7. Carrots

Caretenoids, which include beta-carotene that gives carrots their color, are responsible for the anti-cancer action it has in your cells. Falcarinol is an anti-cancer compound in carrots that is more effective when carrots are cooked whole instead of sliced. Other anti-cancer properties in carrots are known to reduce your risk for cervical, bladder, colon and breast cancer in post-menopausal women, according to Foods That Heal.

8. Green Tea

Green tea is said to be very beneficial to our health because it contains nutrients and antioxidants; That have very influential effects to our body. It not only improves the functioning of the brain but it also helps in weight loss and reduces the risk of certain types of cancer, such as; Prostate cancer, breast cancer, and colorectal cancer. Research also highly advises people not to put milk in their tea as this could decrease the value of the antioxidants.

9. Whole Grain Foods

According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, whole grains contain many components that might lower your risk of cancer, including fiber and antioxidants. A large study including nearly half a million people found that eating more whole grains might lower the risk of colorectal cancer, making them a top item in the category of foods to fight cancer. Oatmeal, barley, brown rice, and whole-wheat bread and pasta are all examples of whole grains.

10. Bok Choy

It is a cruciferous vegetable, and it is a staple food in Asia. It belongs to the Genus Brassica, and it’s juicy and tasty stalks. Its leaves are very popular in the western world. it is rich in vitamins C and A, minerals, vitamins, phytonutrients and antioxidants. Antioxidants such as indole-3-carbinol, thiocyanates, zeaxanthin, isothiocyanates, and sulforaphane. In addition to vitamins and fiber have been found to prevent certain cancers of the colon, prostate, and breast. Besides cancer prevention, they also help to reduce the level of LDL in the blood.


Some people have trouble falling asleep. Others can’t stay asleep. And then there are the people who have trouble turning life “off” and tucking into bed at a reasonable hour.
Whatever the reason, we’re not alone—more than 50 million Americans don’t get enough shut-eye. Yet the health benefits of a good night’s rest are countless: sleep helps keep you happy, your brain sharp, your immune system strong, your waistline trim, your skin looking youthful—and lowers your risk of high blood pressure and heart disease.

Let's take a look at 10 foods that can help you sleep better:

1. Cherries

Grab some fresh cherries or a glass of cherry juice before bed, and you can start catching Zs in no time. Researchers have found drinking tart cherry juice right before bed helps you fall asleep. Some studies suggest it is more effective than taking melatonin supplements.

2. Milk

A glass of warm milk before bed has long been thought of as the ultimate sleep remedy. Since calcium promotes relaxation and has a calming effect on the body’s nervous system, try drinking milk or a non-dairy milk substitute that’s calcium-fortified before you start your nighttime routine.

3. Fish

Most fish—and especially salmon, halibut and tuna—boast vitamin B6, which is needed to make melatonin (a sleep-inducing hormone triggered by darkness), according to an article published in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Everyday Health recommends a 3-ounce serving of fish at least two times per week to aid in restful sleep.

4. Jasmine rice

When healthy sleepers ate carbohydrate-rich suppers of veggies and tomato sauce over rice, they fell asleep significantly faster at bedtime if the meal included high-glycemic-index (GI) jasmine rice rather than lower-GI long-grain rice, in a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. While the authors aren’t sure how it happened, they speculated that the greater amounts of insulin triggered by the high-GI meals increased the ratio of sleep-inducing tryptophan relative to other amino acids in the blood, allowing proportionately more to get into the brain.

5. Bananas

The magnesium and potassium in bananas serve as muscle and nerve relaxants. Dudash says that the vitamin B6 found in the fruit also converts tryptophan into serotonin, increasing relaxation even more.

6. Oysters

Oysters contain a sleep-inducing mixture of zinc, iron, magnesium, and vitamin B11. According to Livestrong, oysters are the best food source of magnesium and zinc. A 3-ounce portion of cooked oysters provides 19% of the daily recommended amount of magnesium and well over 1,000% of your RDA of zinc.

7. Herbal tea

No surprise here, but herbal tea has tons of snooze-promoting properties. "Chamomile tea is excellent for calming nerves before bedtime," says London. "It's also hydrating and stomach-soothing, same as ginger tea."

8. Kiwi

A study from Taiwan’s Taipei Medical University found that eating two kiwi fruits around an hour before bedtime had surprising results. Psychology Today reports that study participants fell asleep more quickly, with a decrease in falling-asleep time of 35.4 percent. They also slept 28.9 percent more soundly and slept better, with a 42.4 percent improvement on a standardized sleep quality questionnaire. Overall, total sleep time for the study subjects increased by 13.4 percent.

9. Almonds

A study published in the Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine found that if the body is suffering from low levels of magnesium, sleep problems often ensue. The National Institutes of Health lists almonds as the number one source of magnesium; adding almonds to your diet is good all around, but may be especially good for boosting some shut-eye.

10. Peanut butter

Peanut butter also pack in filling protein too. Spread it on graham crackers, a banana or that sweet potato toast. Again, keep your dollop under a tablespoon so you're not feeling too stuffed before heading to bed.


Acid reflux is an uncomfortable and frustrating problem. The condition can cause an intense burning sensation after eating, and therefore prevent the person from feeling comfortable, sleeping, and otherwise disrupt daily life.

Ten Foods That Help with Acid Reflux

1) Oatmeal: This food works well because it is both filling and it is very low in acid. The oatmeal can even help absorb some acidity that comes from added fruit, such as raisins. Oatmeal works great as both breakfast or snacks.

2) Bananas: Bananas are also very low in acidity and for most people, they can be very soothing for the condition. A small percentage of people find bananas make things work for them, so if someone finds their reflux is worse after eating one, this can be crossed off the list.

3) Melons: Melons, along with honeydew and watermelon, also have very low acidity and most people find them very soothing for their reflux. Like bananas, some people may find they make the condition worse, but these cases are rare.

4) Salad: Salads in general are fantastic for acid reflux sufferers. Some people, however, run into trouble with the parts they add to the salad. When fixing one, remember to avoid high fat dressings, cheeses, tomatoes and onions. Many people find their reflux to be fine so long as they add no more than one tablespoon of an ingredient with some acid content.

5) Fennel: This vegetable can be a fantastic additive to salads, chicken recipes and other dishes while helping to reduce reflux. It is low in acidity but high in vitamins and minerals, and may help improve stomach function.

6) Green and Root Vegetables: Nearly any vegetable that fits into this category, including broccoli, asparagus, or celery, are beneficial for those fighting acid reflux.

7) Poultry: Chicken and turkey are two wonderful options for those working to control their reflux with diet. The skin should be removed, because it is high in fat, but then the meat can be cooked and seasoned in a variety of ways without aggravating the awful heartburn.

8) Fish: Fish is another food category that does not provoke acid reflux. It can be baked, broiled, grilled, or sauteed without causing problems. This also includes shrimp and lobster, which can typically be eaten without worry.

9) Parsley: Parsley is an excellent choice for seasoning foods because of its mild flavor, but also for the benefits it offers in terms of digestion. It has been used for thousands of years to settle the stomach and aid in digestion.

10) Couscous and rice: These complex carbohydrates are not only good for people, they are also good choices for avoiding heartburn. They are easy to use to complement a meal and both tend to work well with chicken or fish.


India is an incredible land with a rich and diverse wildlife. Did you know that 4% of India’s land is under forests? There are about 515 wildlife sanctuaries in India which are home to 1180 different species of birds, 350 species of mammals, 30000 different kinds of insects and more than 15000 varieties of plants. Phew! You will be simply mesmerized by the natural beauty at wildlife sanctuaries. 

Let's take a look at top 10 National Parks in India that you must visit once:

1. Kaziranga National Park, Assam

The amazing world of the north-east! It boasts of being a world natural heritage site as declared by UNESCO. Spread over 858 sq. Km around the Brahmaputra River, this magical sanctuary, is most famous for the endangered One-horned Rhino. 2/3rd of the world’s population of these Rhinos lives in this forest. This is also the abode of 60% of the India’s wild buffalo population. Characterised by vast stretches of savannah grasslands, wetlands and chars of river islands formed by the shifting course of the river, you can find a sizeable population of birds here. Though you have a jeep safari which takes you around, we recommend that you explore this wonder via an elephant safari. It would be a priceless memory to view the rhinos grazing with the buffaloes and deer while you enjoy the ride treading through the tall grass.

2. Sunderbans National Park, West Bengal

The Sunderbans Tiger Reserve is the showpiece attraction of coastal West Bengal. Although an encounter with the famed Royal Bengal tiger is not guaranteed, a boat cruise on the muddy rivulets meandering through dense mangrove forests is sure to thrill you to no end. Home to one of the largest concentrations of royal Bengal tigers on the planet, the Sunderbans Tiger Reserve is a network of water channels and semi-submerged mangrove forests that collectively form the world’s largest river delta. Tigers (officially estimated to number close to 300) lurk in the impenetrable depths of the mangrove forests, and also swim the delta’s rivulets. Although they sometimes kill villagers and their cattle, tigers here are typically very shy and sightings are thus rare. Nevertheless, cruising the waterways through the world’s biggest mangrove  sanctuary (now a Unesco World Heritage Site) and watching wildlife – whether it be a spotted deer, a 2m-long water monitor of a luminescent kingfisher – is a world away from your usual urban chaos.

3. Bandhavgarh National Park, Madhya Pradesh

The famous white tigers of Rewa were discovered in this forest and Bandhavgarh is considered to be the home of these tigers. However, no white tigers have been spotted since 50 years here. This forest is spread over 105 sq. kms on the Vindhya Hills in Madhya Pradesh. It boasts of having highest density of the royal Bengal tiger population in the country. Apart from the tigers you can get spectacular views of other majestic creatures like Nilgai, Chital, Chinkara, Wild Boar, Chausingha and more. With 250 species of birds and 22 different species of mammals, this national park has a lot to offer for nature lovers.

4. Jim Corbett National Park, Uttarakhand

Striped tigers majestically roam an expansive savannah, moody elephants double as unexpected roadblocks, gharial crocs bask on the banks of limpid green rivulets, and hundreds of eyes spy on you from the primal depths of an evergreen forest. Established in 1936 as India’s first national park, Corbett takes its name from the legendary tiger hunter Jim Corbett (1875–1955), who put Kumaon (the district in which the forest lies) on the map with his celebrated book The Maneaters of Kumaon. Covering an area of more than 1300 sq km, this terai wildland is home to nearly 200 tigers, about 300 wild elephants, sloth bears, langur monkeys, rhesus macaques, peacocks, otters, gharials and several species of deer among other animals. The varied landscape of the park – ranging from dense vegetation to rolling grasslands – is an added draw.

5. Ranthambore National Park, Rajasthan

Comprising 1334 sq km of wild jungle scrub hemmed in by rocky ridges, this famous park, open from October to June, is the best place to spot wild tigers in Rajasthan. At its centre is the amazing 10th-century Ranthambhore Fort, scattered around which are a number of ancient temples and mosques, hunting pavilions, crocodile-filled lakes and vine covered chhatris. The most famous resident of the park is of course the tiger. However, getting an accurate figure on the number of tigers comes down to who you believe – the park probably has around 32 tigers. Spotting one is a matter of luck; you should plan on two or three safaris to improve your chances. The only way to travel into the core of the national park is by going on the safari. These safaris are usually done in open-top canters and Gypsys. But remember there’s plenty of other wildlife to see including more than 300 species of birds.

6. Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh

Kanha National Park is one of the most sought after National Parks in India. Centrally located in the state of Madhya Pradesh, Kanha is famous as a Tiger Reserve among the wildlife enthusiasts. Kanha is divided into two wildlife sanctuaries namely Hallon and Banjar, of 250 and 300 sq. km respectively. The park is densely populated with Bengal tiger, Barasingha, Indian leopards, the sloth bear, and Indian wild dog. It also houses swamp deer, which is a subspecies of the Great Swamp Deer of Sundarbans and is found nowhere else except Sundarbans. Kanha also nestles more 1000 species of exotic flowers that are one of its kind. This wildlife sojourn is one of the most favourite among the tourists who flock this park to get a glimpse of the wildlife in its real allure.

7. Bandipur National Park, Karnataka

Bandipur National Park, is located in Karnataka, which is easily accessible from Mysore, Bangalore and Ooty. Once upon a time, this wildlife sanctuary was used as the private ground for hunting by the Maharajas of Mysore. Spread across 874 sq. km, Bandipur National Park is surrounded with Mudumalai Wildlife Sanctuary in Tamil Nadu, Wayanad Wildlife Sanctuary in Kerala and Nagarhole National Park. This park houses elephants, spotted deer, gaurs (bison), antelopes and numerous other native species. The lush greenery is particularly mesmerizing after the onset of the monsoon, however, October to May remain the best time to visit. Explore this wildlife sanctuary in an early morning jeep safari, and you will be treated with some magnificent sights to remember.

8. Mudumalai National Park, Tamil Nadu

In the foothills of the Nilgiri Mountains in Tamil Nadu, this 321sq km forest reserve is like a classical South Indian landscape painting brought to life – thin, spindly trees and light-slotted leaves concealing spotted chital deer and grunting wild boar. The showcase species in Mudumalai is the striped royal Bengal tiger. There are around 50 tigers lurking in these jungles – giving Mudumalai the highest tiger density anywhere in the country. However, as in any other nature reserve, you will have to be extremely lucky to actually spot one. Overall, though, the reserve is the best place to spot wildlife in Tamil Nadu. The creatures you are most likely to see are deer, peacocks, wild boar, langurs and giant Malabar squirrels. There’s also a significant chance of sighting wild elephants (the park has several hundred) and gaur or the Indian bison.

9. Dudhwa National Park, Uttar Pradesh

Easily spotted is the one horned rhinoceros, reintroduced into Dudhwa National Park following its complete disappearance from these areas. This is also where hordes of handsome barasinghas (swamp deer), the state animal, play hide-and-seek amidst magnificent swathes of grassland. The 680sq km Dudhwa National Park is located 75km north of Lakhimpur. The park itself is barely 10km from its closest township Palia Kalan – also the stretch along which the very limited accommodation options are located – and about 25km to Gaurifanta on the Indo-Nepal border. The best way to access its wildlife is through twice-daily safaris offered by the Forest Department. The elephant safari, conducted only early mornings, lasts up to an hour and is limited to the rhinoceros enclosure at Salukhapur. The jeep safari, which takes up to three hours, can be enjoyed both early morning and late afternoon. A Gypsy is everyone’s vehicle of choice to negotiate the terrain inside the park and can be hired locally. You’ll do well to book ahead as there are a limited number available.

10. Periyar National Park, Kerala

Located near Thekaddy in Kerela, Periyar National Park is famous for its endangered flora and fauna. Nestled amidst two rivers Periyar and Pamba, this wildlife sanctuary habitats both tigers and elephants in plenty. Spread over an area of 925 sq. km, this park was declared as Periyar National Park in the year 1982. What makes this wildlife one of its kind is its location. While you have two rivers gushing in, it is also surrounded by the Cardamom Hills and Pandalam Hills of Western Ghats bordering Tamil Nadu. Along with 24 Royal Bengal tigers, Periyar also have few white tigers in the park that will leave you with some spellbinding experience. Periyar also houses variety of species of bird, some of which are rare and migratory.


From destroying your digestion system to making you crotchety and put on weight, skipping breakfast accomplishes more than what meets the eye. On the off chance that that is insufficient, here's a glance at 12 reasons you completely shouldn't pass up a major opportunity for your morning breakfast. 


1. Acidity

 Going without sustenance can bring about indigestion in your body since you are really abandoning nourishment for quite a long time. Eating a touch of something would help you keep causticity under control. 


2. Slower digestion system

When you get up in the morning your glucose levels are low, and nourishment regularizes it. Fuel your body with a healthy breakfast to keep your digestion system up. 


3. Low vitality levels

We all wake up with low vitality levels and a tired temperament however in the event that you skip breakfast, you deny your mind and assemblage of crucial supplements that makes you feel feeble. You require glucose to work appropriately. 


4. Low center

If you are feeling grouchy and powerless first thing in the morning, you'll most likely likewise experience difficulty concentrating on your work. Eat well before you take off to enhance your fixation at work. 


5. Overall health

People who have a routine of eating are nearly more beneficial. Some individuals think it adds to the calories however having a solid breakfast really manages your glucose levels and keeps you full for more. 

6. Weight gain

Eating a solid breakfast deals with your weight as it keeps you full for more and control the need to nibble on unfortunate foods


7.Mental block

Your brain needs to capacity well to be ready and mindful for the duration of the day yet in the event that you skip breakfast your psyche will do not have the crucial supplements it should be sharp. Certain breakfasts that are rich in protein help the brain work well. So having breakfast will really increase clarity and mindfulness. 


8. Hunger throbs

When you abandon breakfast, there are chances you will need to manage hunger strings that can get to be troublesome while you are grinding away. 


9.Bad role model

 A solid breakfast propensity will prompt a decent way of life, which sets an incredible case for your children. 


10. Diabetes

Women are more inclined to dangers of diabetes and skipping breakfast makes them more inclined to get sort 2 diabetes. 


11. Heart Disease

Skipping breakfast can likewise expand odds of coronary illness in ladies alongside hypertension, insulin resistance and expanded glucose levels. 


12. Nutrient deficiency

Instead of stressing over eating solid with your bustling calendar, utilize your breakfast to renew lost supplements in your body.
