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How to deal with Anxiety?

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Anxiety is a state of mind that everyone experiences from time to time. It’s natural to feel stressed before a performance or an exam, or even during a particularly busy or overstimulating period. However, anxiety itself is more than simply 'stress'. If you notice yourself experiencing anxiety for long periods of time, and you can't seem to kick it, a closer examination of this may be beneficial. The following advice may help reduce your anxiety levels, both in the heat of the moment and on a long-term basis.


1. Be Present

The simple technique of reminding yourself to be present is very powerful and can immediately dissolve worry and anxiety. Easier said than done though, right?! To do this, bring all of your attention into your feet — this will help bring your awareness out of your head and into your body, anchoring you and keeping you grounded. Now feel the sensations in your feet. Feel the blood pumping through your veins. Feel your bones and toes. Whenever your Mean Girl (or Mean Boy) wants to pull you out of the moment, simply let the thought go and bring your attention back to your feet.

You can do this practice as many times throughout the day as you need to. Even better, you can do it no matter where you find yourself — on the loo, at your desk or even on the bus. If you find yourself back in the past or doing some serious future-tripping, just simply bring your attention back to your feet.


2. Breathe Deeply And Fully

When you are anxious, you tend to do short and shallow breathing, which raises your heart rate and contributes to that panicky feeling. When you feel your anxiety rising, put both your hands on your belly. Place your feet flat on the floor. Close your eyes, relax your shoulders and breathe deeply and fully into your belly. Feel your hands rise and fall with your breath. Take 10 deep breaths, and once you’re feeling calm and centered again you can slowly open your eyes. Do this exercise whenever you feel that familiar worried feeling starts to wash over you — the quicker you can do it the better, but it’s never too late.

You can also try this quick and easy, yet powerful mindfulness breathing technique...

Close your eyes.
Breathe in for 5 counts.
Hold your breath for 2 counts.
Breathe out for 5 counts.
Repeat at least 5 times.

3. Eat Well

It might sound strange to link your anxiety to what you eat, but the foods you consume have a big impact on your mental health. Studies have shown a correlation between unhealthy eating and high anxiety and stress. If you are anxious, stay away from things like sugar, gluten, dairy, soft drink, candy, coffee and processed junk foods. Instead, add in more grounding and wholesome foods like root vegetables, coconut oil, green leafy vegetables, grass-fed and grass-finished meats. These foods are going to help nourish your body on a cellular level.


4. Get Support

The sooner you get over your belief that you’re a superhero and can do everything on your own, the better. We all need support from time to time and that’s ok. We can not do this thing we call ‘life’ alone. Being a Mum, running a business, being a good wife, cleaning the house, cooking, catching up with your besties, washing the clothes, doing errands and life admin are all a full time job in themselves.

So stand in your power, ask for support when you need it, and don’t be afraid to share how you’re feeling. Commit to having an open and authentic conversation with a friend, your Mum, a holistic therapist… whoever resonates with you.

Sometimes, you’ll find that even just the simple act of voicing your concerns out loud to another person is enough to reduce your anxiety — that worry that felt as big as the Titanic suddenly becomes virtually non-existent.


5. Meditate

It has been scientifically proven that meditation relieves anxiety and calms the nervous systems. With all the chatter and stimulation around us these days, we are more on edge and reactive than ever before. This is why meditation is so imperative — and so potent. I personally have found daily meditation by far the most powerful way to decrease my overall anxiety and stress in my everyday life. It wasn’t until I started meditating twice a day that my anxiety dissipated and my life dramatically changed.

There are many different forms of meditation, such as guided meditations, using a mantra, or focusing on your breath. Try them all and see what resonates with you. Start with 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night, and then increase your time when it feels right. This will make a dramatic difference to how you feel, your health and how you show up in the world. The goal is to move through your day with ease and grace, and meditation will facilitate that.


6. Move Your Body

Physical activity releases endorphins (the happy hormones) which help increase happiness and reduce cortisol (the stress hormone). As soon as you start to feel the anxiety come on, go for a walk in nature, do some yoga outside or take a dance class etc ...  any activity where you are moving your body will help!

Exercise has an immediate effect on your anxiety levels. But even better, regular exercise will decrease the amount of anxiety you feel overall, so make sure you keep at it. Try to move your body every day for an hour if you can.

posted Jun 8, 2016 by Ramya

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Thomas Jefferson – who was the third president of the United States of America – is known for  the following quote: “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” The same logic can be applied to getting fit. If you want to attain the state of being fit you need to put your body through activities that it may not have ever done before or may not have done for a long time.

However, getting fit and maintaining the status of being fit doesn’t have to all be about blood, sweat and tears – and not much else. You’ve probably heard the old wives’ tale that there is categorically no pain without gain and that you should mistrust any gains that you achieve if they don’t come with a good amount of effort.

Don’t believe us? Give us five minutes and we’ll tell you how this is possible.

Set realistic fitness goals

First of all: in order to get fit you need to be specific about what you want to achieve. It’s not good enough saying “I want to get fit”. You need to lay down certain deliverables in your journey to getting fit so that you can picture what being fit means for you and actually see it. This will make you hold yourself accountable in the journey and will help you gauge where you are so that if you are not achieving what you want to you can go back to the drawing board and redesign how you are going to achieve your goals.

Hire a personal trainer

This type of professional has trained for years and years about how to help their clients along the road to physical wellness and fitness in addition to assisting them to reach their various goals for their physiques.

Thus, to attain your fitness goals in the time that you have available, enlisting the assistance of a personal trainer is the best way to go. Such an individual will be able to assess what you want to achieve, the time that you have available and will work out a plan that fits in with both elements. The great thing about a personal trainer is that they will be able to give you benchmarks along the way – in the form of assessments – so that you can see what you’re achieving. This will also help to motivate you to keep on with your exercise programme.

Critically examine your eating habits

Training and good nutrition principles go hand in hand. You can train as hard and as long as you like but unless you back it up with the right nutrition, your mind as well not even have started your training routine.

Think we’re talking a load of nonsense? Let’s illustrate what we’re saying with an example.

Say, for instance, that one of your fitness goals is to build lean muscle mass. We know that the majority of muscles is made up of protein and that the body doesn’t keep stores of protein. It uses what it needs to, at the time, and then excretes the rest.

The best way to build lean muscle mass is through training with weights. In order to promote the development of muscle, you need to consume protein – either through protein-rich foods such as hard-boiled eggs or lean chicken breasts or by taking a protein shake. If you don’t do this, or don’t consume enough protein in your diet, it will be very difficult for you to reach your goal of building the lean muscle mass that you want.

If you’re struggling to decide on what are the best nutrients you should be taking in to support your training goals, consult a registered dietitian or a nutritionist. These professionals have studied the art and science of good nutrition for years which makes them well placed to assist you where you need to.

So there you have it – our five-minute guide of how to get fit. What are you waiting for? Follow these principles today and see how they can help you to a world of fitness.


The factors that you should take into consideration are:
•    Brand,
•    Electronic or manual,
•    Running area,
•    Auto or manual incline,
•    Pre-built programs and pre-sets,
•    Power use, 
•    Supported weight, and
•    Price, which is very important. 

When you are checking the treadmill prices, you have to pay utmost attention to the kind of brand that you will probably make your check out to. It is because a brand represents high quality, the level of service and ultimately your satisfaction.

Electronic or manual
If you have ever used a gym treadmill, then it was probably an electronic one. The electronic treadmills have built-in motors that run the mat on which you can walk on or run. Whereas, a manual treadmill is a treadmill that does not have an electronic motor and requires efforts to be put in by the user in order to work. 

Obviously, a manual treadmill is more reasonable than an electronic one but if you have the budget to buy the electronic treadmill then go for that.

Running area

It is important to know the area where the treadmill will be placed because no good can come out of exercising in a cramped area as it will make the treadmill less usable and more usable for drying your clothes on.
The larger the running area, the better!

Auto or manual incline

As you grow stronger by walking, one of the easiest ways to keep maximizing your strength is by increasing the intensity of your workout. 
Aside from the speed, a good way to increase workout’s intensity is to increase the incline. The higher the incline, the better the intensity!

On modern treadmills, there are two ways to adjust incline:
•    Manual
•    Automatic

Adjusting manually means physically adjusting the angle of inclination by adjusting the treadmill.
Whereas, automatic incline means that the angle of inclination can be adjusted with just a push of the button. 
From the perspective of using treadmills, the verdict is that automatic inclination is much better. 

Pre-built programs and pre-sets

Most of the treadmill online is expected to have pre-programmed routes and many other settings. Some of those settings are:
•    Running at high speed for 2km then slow speed for 2km then again speeding up.
•    Imitation of a terrain for 1km, then running on a flat surface.
•    Brisk walking at an incline for 20 minutes, then fast running for 20 minutes at constant speed.

The kind of programs that you will get on a treadmill will depend on the model and brand you purchase.

Power use

You wouldn’t feel great if the electric bill for running on a treadmill will cost you to lose some more weight. So, remember to check the amount of power the motor of your treadmill uses.

Supported weight

The supported weight factor is something that the majority of the people do not think about. Just like any other machine, treadmill too has a limit to how much weight it can support, ranging from 100 kg to 200 kg.
In case you are overweight, it is important to know just how much weight your treadmill can support. 


Your budget is the key factor that matters the most in treadmill price. Depending on that you may see a number of options for purchasing treadmills.
Once you have your treadmill home, try new variations every day because doing the something each passing day will turn out to be boring.


In 1985, between 60 and 70 million Americans were affected by digestive disorders. Today it's close to 100 million. In fact, digestive disorders are responsible for over 50 million physician visits and more hospitalizations than any other category of medical problems in the United States today. The total cost to the American public for all aspects of digestive disease is well over $100,000,000,000.00 per year. It is worth noting that doctors have related many other diseases (besides the obvious ones such as constipation, diverticular disease, hemorrhoids, IBS, colitis, and Crohn's disease) to the bowel. These include: diabetes, gallstones, kidney stones, gout, hypertension, varicose veins, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and obesity. Due to these risks, it is very important to understand how to care for your colon, and your entire digestive tract, to protect yourself from today's world of unhealthy diets. There are several yoga poses that will help to relieve from embarrassing digested problem.

Let's take a look at some yoga poses that can help to relieve from embarrassing digested problem:


The name Pawanmuktasana implies Wind-Relieving Pose thus it is no big surprise that this posture makes it to the highest priority on our rundown of yoga postures for gas. It is a basic leaning back represent that is appropriate for amateurs, and also propelled specialists. As the name recommends, pawanmukhtasana discharges stomach related gasses that are caught inside the stomach and digestion tracts. This posture additionally enhances general processing by fortifying intestinal muscles.


Bhujangasana or the Cobra posture is a backbend represent that extends the muscles of your trunk and belly. This stance gives alleviation from gas that is caught in the upper and additionally bring down piece of your stomach related framework. Bhujanasana obliges you to connect with the muscles of your stomach area and this empowers the whole stomach district which gases to move quickly along the stomach related tract. Visit routine with regards to this yoga stance will likewise forestall midsection bloat as it disposes of assimilation related conditions, for example, acid reflux and clogging.


The Dhanurasana is known as the bow pose like a person's body takes the state of a bow while doing this asana. Dhanurasana is a backbend represent that extends the whole front of your body. Studies demonstrate that Dhanurasana disposes of unnecessary gas and it likewise invigorates the organs in the stomach cavity which enhances absorption and assuages stoppage.


Balasana or the Child's Pose is a basic forward bowing yoga represent that takes after the fetal position. This yoga posture is ideal for novices as well, as it extends the muscles of the thighs and back and it likewise assuages stomach related issues. Since your body is collapsed in this position, it additionally puts delicate weight on your belly, which disposes of gas. Performing balasana once a day will empower processing and legitimate end and avert gas and bloating.
