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What musical instruments did Ali Akbar plays?

+3 votes
What musical instruments did Ali Akbar plays?
posted Jun 10, 2016 by Reshmi S

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1 Answer

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Ali Akbar Khan is a name that is virtually synonymous with the sarod. He is one of the first people to take the instrument into the international arena. This is due to his untiring efforts as a performer and an educator.

Ali Akbar's long career has been rich indeed. He has performed and composed music for numerous films. Two notable ones are Satyajit Ray's "Devi", and Bernardo Bertolucci's "Little Buddha". He has also received numerous awards, titles, and honorary degrees. Notable among them are honorary doctorates from, New England Conservatory of Music, Viswa Bharati University, California Institute of the Arts, University of Delhi, University of Dacca, Rabindra Bharati University. He also has numerous Grammy nominations.

answer Jun 11, 2016 by Amit Kumar Pandey