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10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Beer

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Feel guilty about drinking a beer or two? Try not to feel regretful. As opposed to what you may expect, moderate lager utilization is very for you. Science has demonstrated that brew can bring numerous amazing medical advantages despite the fact that it's typically seen as unfortunate. Simply recollect that, we're talking moderate utilization (one beverage for each day for ladies, and up to two for men), not throughout the night drinking sprees. Here are some striking and astonishing lager advantages that may change your view of the beverage. 


1. It can diminish danger of heart illness 

One enlightening study including 200,000 subjects led at Italy's Fondazion di Ricerca e Cura found that individuals who drank a half quart of brew every day had a 31% diminished shot of coronary illness. This heart-shielding force of lager stems to a great extent from brew's common cancer prevention agents called phenols. Be that as it may, the concentrate additionally indicated danger of coronary illness expanded in individuals who expended higher measures of brew. 


2. It can ensure against Alzheimer's illness 

Maybe a standout amongst the most surprising medical advantages of lager is its capacity to ensure against Alzheimer's. Analysts at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine investigated a few studies and arrived at the conclusion that moderate brew consumers were 23% more averse to create distinctive types of dementia and intellectual disability, including Alzheimer's. The silicon content in lager is thought to shield the mind from the destructive impacts of high measures of aluminum in the body, which are one of the conceivable reasons for Alzheimer's. 


3. It can bring down danger of diabetes 

This is another exceptional advantage of moderate lager utilization. As indicated by a 2011 Harvard investigation of around 38,000 moderately aged men, the individuals who drank one to two brews every day had a 25% decrease in the danger of creating sort 2 diabetes. The liquor content in brew expands insulin affectability, which anticipates diabetes. In addition, lager is a decent wellspring of dissolvable fiber that assumes a critical part in the solid eating routine of individuals experiencing diabetes. 


4. It can anticipate kidney stones 

A study led in Finland built up that moderate every day utilization of brew can lessen the danger of creating kidney stones by 40%. This medical advantage is ascribed to lager's high water content (around 93%) that flushes destructive poisons out of the body and keep the kidneys working legitimately. Likewise, mixes in jumps utilized as a part of fermenting moderate the arrival of calcium from bones, which thusly counteracts develop of lost calcium in the kidney as stones. 


5. It can minimize danger of tumor 

Lager contains a vital cancer prevention agent known as xanthohumol. Xanthohumol is known not capable against disease properties that fight off growth creating catalysts in the body. In particular, moderate brew utilization keeps a specific substance response that can prompt prostate malignancy in men. Lager has likewise been appeared to decrease the odds of getting bosom malignancy in ladies. 


6. It can diminish cholesterol levels 

In the event that you'd like an irregular technique for cutting your cholesterol levels, enjoying moderate brew utilization might be the approach. The grain utilized as a part of preparing of lager contains a sort of dissolvable fiber known as beta-glucans that has been appeared to help in bringing down cholesterol levels. 


7. It can oversee blood pressure

You may likewise be intrigued to realize that lager can oversee circulatory strain. That is as indicated by a Harvard study that observed that ladies matured 25 to 40 who drank lager modestly were fundamentally less inclined to grow hypertension contrasted with ladies who drank wine or other mixed refreshments. 


8. It can fortify bones 

Lager contains not too bad levels of silicon, a component that is connected with bone wellbeing. One study directed at Tufts in 2009 built up that more seasoned people who drank maybe a couple glasses of brew every day had higher bone thickness, and hence were less inclined to breaks than the individuals who did not appreciate a glass of lager or wine. Nonetheless, the concentrate additionally observed that devouring more than two beverages expanded danger of bone cracks. 


9. It can treat dandruff 

Another fascinating truth about lager is that it is viewed as one of the best common medicines for dandruff. This specific medical advantage of brew is ascribed to its high yeast and vitamin B content levels. Simply flush your hair with a container of lager a few times each week to dispose of dandruff and make your hair additional delicate and sparkling. 


10. It can chop down danger of strokes


Concentrates on by the American Stroke Association have demonstrated that individuals who drink moderate measures of brew can cut their danger of strokes by – get this – an incredible half contrasted with non-consumers. Specialists at Harvard School of Public Health clarify that moderate measures of brew day by day anticipates blood clusters that square blood stream to the heart, neck and cerebrum, which is a main source of ischemic stroke. Be that as it may, when you drink lager tolerably, your supply routes get to be adaptable and blood stream enhances altogether. 

Keep in mind the way to profiting from brew is moderate utilization. Overindulgence in lager and other mixed beverages can be heartbreaking to your wellbeing.

posted Jul 12, 2016 by anonymous

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We all know that, other than being a healthy vegetable, potato also has a host of medicinal and therapeutic benefits. Whether it s potato slices or potato peels, we have used them vigorously as home remedies for pigmentation and dark circles. However, raw potato juice has various medicinal qualities.

How to make it

Preparation of raw potato juice is fairly simple. Wash and peel a large-sized potato, cut it into pieces and juice it up with some water in a juicer. Unless you have home-grown organic potatoes avoid juicing the peels as the non-organic ones might have remnants of dirt and pesticides. In case you don t like the flavour, mix it with a quarter cup of carrot or beetroot juice. You can add a teaspoon of ginger juice for flavour too. For best results, have it early in the morning or a small shot of 200ml at night before bedtime.

Let's take a look at 6 health benefits of raw potato juice:

1. It helps to provide relief from arthritic pain

In general, inflammation of joints leads to arthritis, which causes joint pains and other discomforts like restricted mobility, soreness, etc. The most affected arthritic joints are your knees, elbow, shoulders followed by neck and back. It is necessary to reduce the inflammation to counter pain and restore quality of life. While there are medications for the inflammation, raw potato juice also works as an excellent home remedy for arthritis. Since this juice has anti-inflammatory properties, it reduces inflammation and the subsequent pain, especially, in winters when joint pains flair up.

2. It helps improve digestion and blood circulation

Most of our aches, pains and ailments are a result of improper blood circulation. This makes it difficult for many cells in the body to receive adequate oxygen and nutrients. Lack of which makes the cells go weak and sets the stage for various diseases and ailments. Proper digestion and circulation are necessary to ensure that every cell of your body gets adequate nourishment. A glass of raw potato juice can do a lot in this regard. It improves digestion and helps in blood circulation to ensure that every cell of your body is replenished.

3. It helps to maintain the pH balance of the body

By nature, our body has a neutral pH balance. But wrong eating habits, sedentary lifestyle, stress, lack of sleep, overdose of medications and a lot of other factors alter this balance and create an acidic environment. Most diseases breed in an acidic environment. This is why many experts recommend eating alkaline foods to maintain the normal pH of the body. Raw potato juice is highly alkaline in nature and does an excellent job of maintaining the pH of the body.

4. It helps to treat gout

Gout is a form of arthritis that develops due to high levels of uric acid in the body. It is also characterized by severe pain, redness and soreness of joints. It often affects the toe joints. An elevated level of uric acid is also an indication that your kidneys might not be functioning to its optimum levels and are unable to remove uric acid from your body. However, raw potato juice can help in countering this problem; it can break down and flush out uric acid from your body. A glass of raw potato juice in the morning is highly recommended for people suffering from gout.

5. It helps to reduce symptoms of gastritis

Acidity, flatulence, bloating, indigestion are common in most people these days. However, raw potato juice helps to get relief from these symptoms too. Just one to two tablespoon of juice if consumed for a fortnight can help relieve most of these symptoms.

6. It helps lower cholesterol and detoxification

Potatoes are rich in fiber and helps to clean out excess cholesterol from your system. Since they don t contain cholesterol, it makes for a zero-cholesterol food. Another reason why you should try the raw potato juice. Raw potato juice is excellent for detoxification of the kidneys, liver, gallbladder and your entire body. It helps you build immunity and fight various aches and pains too.


Every good thing should be taken in moderation. Remember, potatoes are high in potassium. If you are advised to be on low potassium diet, then talk to your nutritionist or doctor before trying this juice.


Drinking coconut water can save your body from various health related problems. It contains a lot of supplements and nutrients that are needed to sustain a healthy life.

1. Rich in Minerals

  • Chief nutrient contents are:
  • Potassium - Helps to reduce Blood Pressure
  • Glucose - Provides energy
  • Vitamin C - Improves immunity
  • Magnesium - Improves Muscular and Nervous system
  • Copper - Helps the body to form red blood cells
  • Cytokinins and Lauric acid - Slows down the aging process and the development of cancerous cells
  • Antioxidants - Prevents or delays any type of cell damage

2. Boosts Energy & Hydrates Body

Coconut water is widely known to replace the minerals and fluids that we lose during physical activities. It has high content of potassium, calcium and chloride which helps to hydrate, replenish and rejuvenate the body. People who work out on a regular basis should drink coconut water daily. It has less sugar than many sports drinks and much less sugar than sodas and some fruit juices. Plain coconut water could be a better choice for adults and kids looking for a beverage that is less sweet.

3. Increases Metabolic Rate & Aids Weight Loss

Regular consumption of coconut water increases the metabolism rate which helps to burn sugar a lot faster. As a result, the level of insulin in a person’s body burns faster. Thus a person has more energy and loses fat faster.

4. Prevents Kidney Stone

Coconut water also helps in dissolving kidney stones because of the presence of potassium, which plays a key role in urine alkalizing and preventing formation of kidney stones.

5. Improves Digestion

It contains easily digested carbohydrate in the form of sugar and electrolytes. Coconut water is composed of bioactive enzymes such as folic acid, phosphatase, catalase, dehydrogenase, diastase, peroxidase, RNA polymerases and so on. These enzymes help in easy digestion and metabolism. The water also has more minerals like calcium, manganese and zinc than some fruits like oranges. It is also a good source of Vitamin B such as riboflavin, thiamine, pyridoxine, and folates. Human body requires them from external sources to replenish and hence It becomes very essential to the human body.

6. Diuretic Properties

Coconut water is effective as a diuretic as it expedites the flow of urine. Coconut water mixed with lemon juice not only aids dehydration, but also helps to cure intestine worms in children.

7. Reduces Blood Pressure

Coconut water is rich in Potassium and contains lesser amount of Sodium which helps to reduce the Blood Pressure.

8. Cardiovascular Health

Some recent studies have found that coconut water can help increase HDL (good) cholesterol, which makes it a wonderful natural treatment for maintaining good cardiovascular health.


Surya namaskar or sun salutation is a gesture of showing gratitude to the sun. It is a set of 12 yoga asanas which bring your body, breath and mind together. When performed in the morning, it revitalises your body and refreshes your mind, leaves you feeling energetic throughout the course of the day. The postures can help you unwind when you perform them in the evening. Well-known yoga expert Sunaina Rekhi says, ‘the cyclic movements of surya namaskar with its controlled breathing, back bends, forward bends, invigorating and calming postures, offers many health benefits.’

1. Helps lose weight

 ‘When done at a fast pace, Surya Namaskar can give you an excellent cardiovascular workout helping you to lose weight.’ The postures will help stretch your abdominal muscles while helping you shed pounds around your belly. The movements will also help in improving your metabolism.

2. Helps strengthen muscles and joints

Surya Namaskar offers you a good way to stretch and strengthen your muscles, joints, ligament, as well as the skeletal system. The movements can also help improve the flexibility of your spine. When you perform the postures, your limbs become symmetrical helping your internal vital organs to function better.

3. Gives glowing skin

Surya namaskar improves your blood circulation that aids in bringing back the glow on your face; preventing the onset of wrinkles, making your skin look ageless and radiant.

4. Ensures a better functioning digestive system

The sun salutation will help in the smooth running of your digestive system.  These yoga poses will help increase the blood flow to your digestive tract resulting in better functioning of the intestines. The forward bend pose will help increase your abdomen space which will aid in releasing the trapped gases from your system.

5. Helps cope with insomnia

You can improve your sleeping patterns by the practise of surya namaskar. The asanas will help calm your mind, giving you a good night’s sleep. This will ensure that you do not resort to drugs to give you a restful sleep.

6. Ensures regular menstrual cycle

Surya Namaskar can also be beneficial for women who are suffering from irregular menstrual cycles as it helps regulate it. Regular practice of the movements can also help in easy childbirth.

7. Brings down blood sugar levels

According to our expert, the movements of the sun salutation also aid in bringing down your blood sugar levels and help keep heart diseases at bay.

8. Keeps anxiety at bay

It helps improve your memory and nervous system and also helps calm you down and get rid of anxiety. It normalizes the activity of the endocrine glands, especially the thyroid gland.

9. Helps detox

Due to the active inhalation and exhalation process, the lungs are thoroughly ventilated and the blood remains oxygenated. This also helps in detoxifying one’s body by getting rid of carbon dioxide and other toxic gases.
