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12 Easy Ways To Improve Your Memory

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Having a strong memory depends on many things. Many people believe that over time our memory power decreases, but there are many ways you can boost your brain such as eating healthy, training your memory and listening to music.

According to the University of Queensland, “The brain’s incredible ability to reshape itself holds true when it comes to learning and memory. You can harness the natural power of neuroplasticity to increase your cognitive abilities, enhance your ability to learn new information, and improve your memory.”


Healthy diet

Food plays a very important role in maintaining strong memory; some foods have plenty of nutrients that help improve our brain function. Our diet should include foods rich in phosphorus, potassium, magnesium. You should also avoid sugar and grain carbohydrates.



Some foods have antioxidant compounds that improve our memory and blood circulation. Oregano, also known as Wild Marjoram or Spanish Thyme, improves blood circulation; green tea is one of the best beverages because it improves brain function, and it can help lower cancer risk.


Train your memory

There are some ways you can remember things you always forget; according to following these two simple steps can be very useful, “Turn abstract, boring things that the brain doesn't like to remember and can't really latch onto (like names and numbers) into more visual ones. Find a place to store or anchor mental images where you're more likely to remember them—in your "memory palace," a.k.a., in the journey method.”


Read a book

Reading is one of the easiest ways to sharpen our memory, it can help acquire, retain and expand our knowledge. It also improves our memory-related capabilities. Depending on the difficulty of reading, it is considered more neurobiologically demanding than to process images or speech.


Listening to music


Studies indicate that music stimulates many regions of the brain at the same time, including those involving emotions, movement, language and memory. While music stimulates brain cells that help improve mental concentration and visual and auditory development; experts recommend listening to classical music.


Take regular study breaks

If you are studying for a test, you need to take regular study breaks to help your brain absorb more information but also to keep you motivated and focused when you are working. Something most people don’t know is the fact that you should vary the places where you study in order to improve information retention.



Meditation can help strengthen the areas of the cerebral cortex that are responsible for the care and process external sensory stimuli. Meditating on a daily basis will help you stay relaxed and it can help you fight anxiety and stress.



If you exercise daily, it helps improve the oxygenation of the brain and this allows you to work more productively. Besides, exercising releases endorphins that help improve your mood, and having a positive mind can help build your skills and boost your health.


Get enough sleep

Studies have proven that the brain does not rest while we are sleeping, this is the time in which it classifies and processes all the information received during the day. Therefore, it is important to take breaks during the study or work and try to sleep at least 7 hours a day.


Use your non-dominant hand

According to psychology, “Using your opposite hand will strengthen neural connections in your brain, and even grow new ones. It’s similar to how physical exercise improves your body’s functioning and grows muscles. Try using your non-dominant hand to write. Use it to control the computer mouse or television remote. Brush your teeth with your other hand. You’ll probably notice it’s much harder to be precise with your movements.”


Sewing crafts

Performing simple tasks like sewing crafts or pottery can help improve your brain function. These activities will help strengthen memory because the eye-hand coordination forces the brain to work harder.



Nowadays we often use our laptops or iPads to transcribe lectures but, according to Psychological Science, using pen and paper to take notes boosts memory and the ability to retain and understand concepts.


Image Source: Google 

posted Aug 11, 2016 by Ankitha

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2. Puzzles and Word Games Are Also Great 

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5. Read Different Books and Try to Remember the Plots 

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6. Try Brain-Building Exercises 

There are numerous games and exercises that are specifically designed for boosting your brain. Also, hand-eye coordination is particularly important for stimulating your mind and preventing memory loss. You do not need to exhaust yourself with demanding brain exercises; you can rely on easy or moderate exercises that activate the neurons and the synapses, thus sending immediate messages to the nervous system and helping prevent cognitive deficits. 

7. Mnemonic Devices Also Come in Handy

Last, but not least, a mnemonic device is a ‘tool’ that helps you remember things easier. For instance, you can associate a visual image with a name or a word to help you remember a person, or you can associate an acronym with a bigger word. On the other hand, alliterations, rhymes and jokes are three other great ways to remember names, facts, figures and other essential information. These are seven efficient brain exercises that you can rely on to help prevent or delay memory loss as you age. Used individually or combined, these exercises will undoubtedly help you stay focused and alert, both right now and during your senior years.


We as a whole need a life that is free of stresses, yet this is less demanding said than done, particularly with the sort of work weight and responsibilities the urban Indian countenances. Yet, you can turn your life around with some progressions that could really help your carry on with a more quiet life. Trust us, it works. Here are 18 straightforward propensities that will guarantee a tranquil life. 


1. Toss out things you needn't bother with. Toss, offer or give the things you don't require as opposed to keeping it all and messing your space. Minimizing your belonging liberates your psyche. 

On the off chance that there's anything that will promptly discharge your nervousness and set you quiet, it's settling on a decision to keep the physical things that either fill a need or hold a positive significance for you. 


2. Put yourself before your work life. Work is vital yet not more than you are. So set aside a few minutes for yourself and put yourself before your work. All things considered, you are more than your work and what you procure, isn't that so? 


3. Sort out everything with the goal that life is simpler. Association will sort your life, so ensure your bills are paid, printed material is done, garments are kept perfectly and every one of your assets kept safe with the goal that you don't squander time searching for them.


4. In the event that you don't require, don't take it. To really free yourself and find a sense of contentment, you have to endeavor to not devour what you needn't bother with. Try not to purchase anything that you needn't bother with. Ask yourself, 'Do you truly require it?' 'Will it help in at any rate?' and so forth before you choose. 


5. Accomplish something that makes you feel revived, consistently. On the off chance that music is your thing, do that or on the off chance that you like moving, then practice that. This will keep you revived, roused and anticipating life. 


6. Make the most of your day by day errands. At the point when your day by day errands get to be remedial practices, it will make your life turn out to be more quiet and stretch free. Case in point, your every day shower can turn into a recuperating procedure of purging. Light some sweet-smelling candles and play some relieving music and you'll appreciate doing the most ordinary assignments as well. 


7. Begin a gathering of things that motivate you. It could be anything from quotes to stories, sand pictures to composed sections. These will move you to think and capacity betterly particularly when you are experiencing a demotivated spell. 


8. List down the things that bring you euphoria. We bunk about all the terrible things throughout our life however neglect to be grateful for all the great. Posting down the things that bring you bliss is a decent approach to consider those things and be appreciative. 


9. Switch espresso and tea with warm water or green tea. These beverages are all the more unwinding and yield numerous medical advantages, making you feel more quiet and positive. 


10. Pay in real money at all times. Paying via card resemble putting off the installment for one more day which prompts heaping up of your costs. Paying with money will keep your cognizant clear and help you keep a beware of your costs. 


11. Try not to collaborate with individuals who aren't certain impacts. Try not to be impolite or let their antagonism rub off on you. This will help you carry on with a positive, quiet life. 


12. Cooking can be a restorative procedure and there's something superb about consolidating distinctive fixings to make your own dish. It makes you feel enabled. 


13. Pay consideration on what you are taking in, regarding music, TV, books, and diversion. These things shape the way you feel about existence. So watch intentionally and change or extemporize. 


14. Ask yourself what you truly need. In the event that you are not content with what you are doing, then consider acquiring some change. Base your objectives on the sort of life you need later on and you'll be more fulfilled and serene. 


15. Keep your objectives sensible with the goal that you don't confront dissatisfaction later, when you can't accomplish them. Also you would prefer not to be immersed in blame from not trusting you ought to have accomplished more. 


16. Keep your day by day life basic. Straightforwardness can bring awesome satisfaction as well. Make it a point to recall that. You needn't bother with a lavish life to be upbeat. When you understand this, you'll be content with what you have and more content with yourself. 


17. Keep up an individual reasoning to help you advance in life and settle on essential choices. Your own convictions about affection and life are vital to keep you effortless, rested and settled as they help you build up your needs. 


18. Do what you cherish without feeling remorseful. Try not to attempt to police yourself and pass by what is good and bad. Contemplate your impulse and do what you adore. This will give you a superb feeling of fulfillment.


The brain is the human supercomputer with infinite possibilities. It’s the brain that differentiates humans from all other animals. Despite the common belief that intelligence is a genetic phenomenon, studies have shown that this isn’t true. The brain is a continuously evolving organ, and it is always a work in progress – it keeps revising or remodeling, improving or declining, depending on how we use it. Just like with a muscle, if the brain is properly exercised, anyone can boost their intelligence level significantly, at any age. But if you let your brain remain idle, it is bound to lose its sharpness. Here are a few ways to make your brain work better

Exercise Regularly 

As we age, the birth of new brain cells becomes slower, and our brain tissue shrinks in size. However, regular exercises can reverse this age-related decline. Studies show that regular exercise – especially cardiovascular exercise – boosts the blood flow to your brain, which helps deliver much-needed oxygen to brain cells (the brain consumes nearly 20% of the oxygen in our body). Studies have shown that people see a significant increase in brain volume if they exercise regularly.


With today’s hectic lifestyle – which often involves juggling time between office, work, home and kids – there is very little time left for mind relaxation. Your mind is always crowded with various thoughts and worries, which definitely affects your thinking ability and other brain functions. Meditation is one of the oldest ways to rejuvenate your mind and enhance your cognitive functions. The practice of meditation involves quiet, focused breathing exercises where your mind is free from other activities and thoughts. With regular practice, meditation allows your mind to reach a deeply calm state, which in turn improves other brain functions, such as attention span, memory and focus. Not surprisingly, some of the leading corporate organizations now offer meditation classes for their employees.

Eat Fish

If you don’t eat fish regularly, it may be a good idea to include some in your regular diet – at least twice a week. If you do not like eating fish, or if you are a vegan, then you can opt for a fish oil supplement instead. A study on teenagers in Sweden indicated that eating fish increased the verbal and visuospatial intelligence of the subjects by more than 10%. While the exact mechanism of how eating fish improves brain health is unknown, some believe that, like exercise, it helps increase blood flow to the brain.

Fight Inflammation 

Inflammation could be the result of your body fighting toxins, infections, chemicals or free radicals. Studies have shown that inflammation of any kind tends to have a negative impact on mental performance. Researchers have found that inflammation is consistently linked to lower standard intelligence levels. Thus, for keeping your brain sharp, it is important to fight inflammation. Foods such as omega 3 and various antioxidants help in fighting inflammation.

Exercise Your Brain 

Like the rest of your body, your brain needs regular exercise to stay healthy and fit. Brain-strengthening or mind-improvement exercises can invigorate your brain and enhance its functions. Crossword puzzles and other word-based games, Sudoku, math word problems and number-based ‘brain teasers’ are some of the ways to improve your brain efficiency. Such mind-building games help in developing problem-solving abilities and mental determination. They are a fun way to enhance brain power. 

Experiment With a New Hobby or Skill 

A good way to energize the brain is to take it out of its ‘comfort zone,’ by trying out new skills or hobbies. It does not matter what new skill you decide to take up – for example, learning a new language, playing a musical instrument, carpentry projects, etc. When your brain is trying new things, it creates new neurons. Moreover, studies have shown that mastering new skills also helps in improving memory and cognitive functions.


Ordinary kindnesses aside, today, kids should be taught how to handle and esteem cash like never before some time recently. They are given a plenty of decisions and choices to spend, and couple this with liberal guardians who need to give their kids the absolute best in life; it then gets to be essential for guardians to put in some standard procedures immediately. 

Kids as youthful as 3 years can be taught to oversee cash. So whatever age your child is at, here's the way to begin: 


Reward learning with saving:

 Every time you play an amusement or do any movement with them, and you see improvement happening – like when they read a story so anyone might hear to themselves without mishandling surprisingly, then you can remunerate your tyke. Here's a fun video instructing kids to check – to help them include their prizes! 


Figure out how to say "no" solidly:

 Helping them comprehend that you don't exist to satisfy their each desire helps them request what they ridiculously require 


Show sharing:

 Kids need to discover that there are more tragic and less fortunate youngsters on the planet, who could utilize their assistance. Going on old garments, toys and story books, unused school exercise books, and whatever other "additional items" that they don't need, will make them consider individuals separated from themselves. 


Try not to accumulate: 

Instead of storing things they don't require maybe they could be urged to get entrepreneurial and attempt and offer their things through a carport deal, either facilitated by you, or alongside different children in the area. This is an incredible approach to procure pocket cash. 


Try to do you say others should do: 

Your children are viewing your conduct nearly. They are not only great at copying your idiosyncrasies, they will likewise emulate your ways of managing money. So you can't generally be continually spending too much and afterward anticipating that them should make penances.


Do you battle with PMS, bloating, touchiness, state of mind swings, nervousness, skin inflammation, sugar desires, a sleeping disorder? We are associated to trust that these manifestations are an inescapable piece of fluctuating recurrent hormones, yet they are signs that your hormones are not ideally adjusted. 

The endocrine framework, a progression of organs in charge of emitting hormones, is an astounding system that manages ovulation, monthly cycle, digestion system, state of mind, anxiety reaction, vitality levels.  At the point when your hormones go haywire, you can wager there's a miscommunication some place in your endocrine framework, bringing about repulsive indications. This is your body's method for telling you you're not ideally adjusted. 

There are a couple key  strides you can begin immediately to re-balance your hormones and backing your endocrine framework.


1. Step Away From The Sugar And Put Down The Wine Glass 

Refined sugars and alcohol are two of the greatest endocrine disruptors, and they add to the body's anxiety load. Sugar causes irritation and encourages the terrible microbes in your gut, adding to digestive abnormality and candida abundance. Wine focuses on your detox framework, which should be kept in great working request to metabolize your hormones and help in general hormone equalization. Liquor can wreak destruction on your glucose and insulin levels, activating sugar yearnings, crabbiness, expanded longing, and disturbed rest. Kick both and feel better in only a couple days. In the event that you have a sweet tooth, stick to dim chocolate, and swap out wine for fizzy however well being advancing refreshments like kombucha or water kefir. 


2. Rest Is The Best Way To Relieve Stress 

The majority of us aren't getting almost enough rest. We're overdoing it, and our hormones are paying for our on-the-go ways of life. Absence of rest triggers high cortisol that puts your body in battle or-flight mode, bringing about weight pick up, sugar yearnings, and weariness. Expect to get 8-9 hours of rest daily. Try not to fear a 20 minute rest on the weekends, or amid the workday in case you're capable. Head to bed by 10:30 (you can begin today evening time!), and make a sleep time custom to slow down in the nights. Ace tip: in the event that you experience difficulty dozing, don't drink any caffeine after 12pm, and switch from espresso to green tea. 


3. Diet Matters 

Trench the eating regimen soft drinks, white flour, and compound loaded prepared foods that add extra push to your framework. Concentrate on genuine nourishment: natural protein, solid fats that help your body make hormones, a lot of veggies of numerous sorts, matured foods, and green juices. Give careful consideration to foods that backing the liver. Demonstrate your liver some affection with cruciferous veggies, beets, carrots, verdant greens, garlic, avocados, and turmeric. 


4. There Are A Few Superstar Herbs You Can Use To Support Endocrine Balance 

Adaptogenic herbs, for example, rhodiola, ashwaganda, and sacred basil are magnificent adrenal tonics to alleviate frayed nerves and energize peaceful rest. Vitex is brilliant for controlling the menstrual cycle. Evening primrose can bring some relief PMS. 


5. At long last, Address Your Stress Level 

We're all living occupied lives, and stretch is unavoidable. Go simple on yourself. Make a routine and incorporate exercises you appreciate. Attempt yoga and reflection. Get a back rub or needle therapy. Look at the cozy connections throughout your life and make sense of how you can enhance them. Bear in mind about your most essential relationship– your association with yourself! Your passionate prosperity is significant to satisfaction and hormone parity.
