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PM Narendra Modi constitutes 3 sub-groups of CMs within NITI Aayog

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Prime Minister (PM) Narendra Modi has constituted three sub-groups of Chief Ministers within National Institution for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog.

It was announced by PM while he was chairing the first meeting of the Governing Council of NITI Aayog in New Delhi.

First sub-group- It will study the 66 centrally-sponsored schemes and recommend which schemes should continue, which should be transferred to states, and which to discontinue.
Second sub-group- It will focus on skill development and creation of skilled manpower within states.
Third sub-group- It will decide on the institutional mechanisms to be evolved for Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan, so that cleanliness becomes a part of life in perpetuity.

Key highlights of first meeting of the Governing Council of NITI Aayog

In this meeting, Governor of Jammu and Kashmir and Lt Governors of Andaman and Nicobar and Delhi, and the Chief Ministers of the rest of the states participated.

The Prime Minister emphasized that the Centre wished to empower the states with finances, with technology and knowledge so that they are able to plan better and execute even better.

Shri Narendra Modi said that Cabinet Resolution setting up NITI Aayog provides for the appointment of Regional Councils with specific mandates for specific time periods. He hoped that these councils could help forge cooperation among two or more states facing a common set of problems or amicably settle disputes that delay progress. He said these councils could catalyse joint projects involving travel, transportation and tourism across member states.

The Prime Minister also expressed hope that through the mechanism of the NITI Aayog, India could move away from “one size fits all” schemes, and forge a better match between the schemes and the needs of the states. He said that for federalism to work well, states must also fulfill their role in promoting the shared national objectives. He said that the critical element for cooperative federalism to flourish is that states commit to the path they choose within the context of the shared national objectives and then deliver on that commitment.

Reflecting on the role of NITI Aayog as a think-tank, the Prime Minister said he sees great scope for states to learn from each other, work together among themselves and with the Center. He said best practices can be shared among states, and a portal can be created through which state functionaries share their experiences.
The Prime Minister noted that in the last two and a half decades, the Indian economy has been transforming itself from a planned to a market economy. He called upon the gathering to deliberate on how the planning process should be reshaped.

“Our focus on Good Governance is the need of the hour,” the Prime Minister said, adding that “whatever we do
it should be well thought, it should be well-executed and it should have desired outcome.”

The interaction was coordinated by Finance Minister Shri Arun Jaitley, and the opening remarks for the meeting were made by Shri Arvind Panagariya, Vice Chairman, NITI Aayog.

PM has asked all the states to create two task forces under the aegis of the NITI Aayog, one to focus on poverty alleviation, and the other to focus on future development of agriculture in the states.

First meeting also focused on issues related to growth, investment, decentralization and poverty alleviation.
PM also stressed on the role of the states and emphasized how Jan Dhan Yojana and Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan had become successful with cooperation of the states.

posted Feb 9, 2015 by anonymous

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