Hello Everyone !
In my previous article I have written about torments and punishments one has to go through in hell.
In this Part I will write about the Signs of Sin(s) in the present life-forms of an Individual/animal.
Hinduism has the concept of Rebirth. According to Hinduism there are 84 Lacs of Life forms. We, human beings are one of them.
Whichever life form in which we are today, is the result of our Previous Birth (Previous life form), similary whatever our deeds are in this birth, will decide our next birth or Life form.
Following are a few examples of what sin causes what, or the sins of the sin(s) that someone must have committed in his past life.
1. Who strikes a cow with his legs becomes lame and deformed.
2. Who bears false witness becomes dumb.
3. Who steals a book becomes blind.
4. Who commits illicit intercourse becomes a eunuch.
5. Who speaks lies becomes a stammerer, who listens to them becomes deaf.
6. Who sells flesh becomes unlucky, who eats it becomes deseased.
7. Who steals jewels is born poor, who steals gold gets deseased nails.
8. Who steals food becomes a rat, who steals grains becomes a locust, who steals water becomes CHAATAK BIRD (A bird fables to only live upon rain water).
9. Who steals poison becomes a scorpion.
10. Who steals vegetables and leaves becomes a Peacock; purfumes, a musk-rat; flesh, a vulture and salt, an ant.
11. Who steals betel, fruits and flower becomes a forest monkey; who steals shoes, cotton and grass, is born from the womb of a sheep.
12. Who lives by violence, robs and is fond of Hunting is certainly born as a Goat in Butcher's house.
13. Who dies by drinking poison becomes a black serpent on a mountain.
14. Who eat all foods without consideration becomes a tiger in a desolate forest.
15. The Brahmin who does not recite the Gayatri Mantra, who does nont meditate at twilight, who is inwardly wicked while outwardly pious, cirtainly becomes a Crane.
16. Thw pupil who does not serve his teacher becomes an animal - an ass or a cow.
17. Who deceives a friend becomes a mountain Vulture; who cheats in selling an owl.
18. Who destroy hopes and who destroys affection, who through dislike abandons his wife, becomes a ruddy Goose for a long time.
19. Who hates mother, father and teacher, who quarrels with sister and brother is destroyed when an embryo in womb, even for thousand births.
20. The woman who abuses her mother and father-in-law, who causes constant quarrels becomes a Leech.
21. She, who scolds her husband becomes a Louse.
22. Who abandoning her own husband, runs after another man becomes a flying fox, a house Lizard or a kind of Female Serpent.
23. He who cuts of his lineage by emracing a woman of his own family, having become a hyena and a porcupine is born later fromthe womb of a bear.
24. Who consorts with an immature girl becomes a huge Snake in wood.
25. Who covets his teachers wife becomes a Chameleon; who goes with a friends wife, a donkey.
26. The murderer of a Brahmin goes into the womb of an ass, camel and she-buffalo. A drinker of intoxicants enters the womb of a wolf, dog and a jackal.
Well, these are just a few examples, our Garuda Purana gives a detailed description of Signs of Sin(s).
Hence, its proved here that once we get life in the form of Human Beings, we must not commit sin or else the results will be as describes above :-(
Hope you all have loved this one too !
I will be back with some more amazing stuff from our Hindu Scriptures !
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