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Death (Part 5) : Sign of Sins

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Hello Everyone !

In my previous article I have written about torments and punishments one has to go through in hell.

In this Part I will write about the Signs of Sin(s) in the present life-forms of an Individual/animal.

Hinduism has the concept of Rebirth. According to Hinduism there are 84 Lacs of Life forms. We, human beings are one of them.

Whichever life form in which we are today, is the result of our Previous Birth (Previous life form),  similary whatever our deeds are in this birth, will decide our next birth or Life form.


Following are a few examples of what sin causes what, or the sins of the sin(s) that someone must have committed in his past life.

1. Who strikes a cow with his legs becomes lame and deformed.

2. Who bears false witness becomes dumb.

3. Who steals a book becomes blind.

4. Who commits illicit  intercourse becomes a eunuch.

5. Who speaks lies becomes a stammerer, who listens to them becomes deaf.

6. Who sells flesh becomes unlucky, who eats it becomes deseased.

7. Who steals jewels is born poor, who steals gold gets deseased nails.

8. Who steals food becomes a rat, who steals grains becomes a locust, who steals water becomes CHAATAK           BIRD (A bird fables to only live upon rain water).

9. Who steals poison becomes a scorpion.

10. Who steals vegetables and leaves becomes a Peacock; purfumes, a musk-rat; flesh, a vulture and salt, an ant.

11. Who steals betel, fruits and flower becomes a forest monkey; who steals shoes, cotton and grass, is born from the womb of a sheep.

12. Who lives by violence, robs and is fond of Hunting is certainly born as a Goat in Butcher's house.

13. Who dies by drinking poison becomes a black serpent on a mountain.

14. Who eat all foods without consideration becomes a tiger in a desolate forest.

15. The Brahmin who does not recite the Gayatri Mantra, who does nont meditate at twilight, who is inwardly wicked while outwardly pious, cirtainly becomes a Crane.

16. Thw pupil who does not serve his teacher becomes an animal - an ass or a cow.

17. Who deceives a friend becomes a mountain Vulture; who cheats in selling an owl.

18. Who destroy hopes and who destroys affection, who through dislike abandons his wife, becomes a ruddy Goose for a long time.

19. Who hates mother, father and teacher, who quarrels with sister and brother is destroyed when an embryo in           womb, even for thousand births.

20. The woman who abuses her mother and father-in-law, who causes constant quarrels becomes a Leech.

21. She, who scolds her husband becomes a Louse.

22. Who abandoning her own husband, runs after another man becomes a flying fox, a house Lizard or a kind of Female Serpent.

23. He who cuts of his lineage by emracing a woman of his own family, having become a hyena and a porcupine is born later fromthe womb of a bear.

24. Who consorts with an immature girl becomes a huge Snake in wood.

25. Who covets his teachers wife becomes a Chameleon; who goes with a friends wife, a donkey.

26. The murderer of a Brahmin goes into the womb of an ass, camel and she-buffalo. A drinker of intoxicants               enters the womb of a wolf, dog and a jackal.

Well, these are just a few examples, our Garuda Purana gives a detailed description of Signs of Sin(s).


Hence, its proved here that once we get life in the form of Human Beings, we must not commit sin or else the results will be as describes above :-(


Hope you all have loved this one too !

I will be back with some more amazing stuff from our Hindu Scriptures !

Thanks for reading and please do upvote and comment !


Image source : Google Images
posted Oct 9, 2016 by Pankaj Maurya

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In my previous articel we have read about the torments that the soul gets, its visit to YamaLoka and back to earth.

I am sure you must have seen in Movies that, the moment a person dies, the next moment his travel starts to YamaLoka and later on he goes to Heaven or Hell according to his deeds ! But that's not exactly how it happens !!

After reaching to YamaLoka, again the soul is Sent to Earth, near its relatives where the soul sees its relatives crying in misery.

The soul remains there itself for the next 13 days.

What Happens In those  13 Days ???

According to Hindu Rituals, the son of the dead Has to do Shraadh (Special Rituals Done after Death).

The son offers Rice balls in the Ritual for next 13 days continuously. These Rice Balls are divided into 4 parts.

Who all share the rice balls ???


1. 2 of the 4 portions give nourishment to the 5 elements which makeup human body (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water and Sky).

2. Third portion goes to the messengers of Yama.

3. The soul lives upon the 4th portion of Rice Balls.

From each day's offering of Rice Balls the body starts to form for the soul.

Day 1. By the rice balls of the first day, the Head is formed.

Day 2. By the rice balls of the secondt day, the Neck and the shoulders are formed.

Day 3. By the rice balls of the third day, the Heart is formed.

Day 4. By the 4th, the Back forms.

Day 5. By the 5th, Navel.

Day 6. By the 6th, the Hips and Secret Parts.

Day 7. By the 7th, thighs are formed.

Day 8. By 8th, knees.

Day 9. Feet is formed on the 9th day's offering.

Day10.  By the 10th day Hunger and Thirst.

The Soul feeds on the rice balls offered on 11th and 12th day.

On 13th day the minute body which is formed in the last 12 days eats its last share of Rice balls and gets energy and departs, bound by the servants of Yama, it slowly walks along like a captured monkey.


The extent of way of Yama measures 86,000 Yojanas ( 1 Yojana = 8-9 miles).

The Departed keeps on travelling 247 Yojanas (247x8 miles) daily, day and night, without rest.

The departed has to cross 18 cities / junctions before reaching the destination Place of Yama.


"If you think that life is bad, I am sure after reading this you will come to know that LIFE AFTER DEATH IS WORSE" 



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Hello Everyone ! I hope you all have found my previous articles interesting about Death.

In previous article I have written about the importance of the 13 critical days after death. Now, in this part we will read about the Various Hells and Punishments given to the dead in hell(s).

Well, After the decision has been taken by Yama, for which hell the dead will be thrown into. The dead is sent to that particular dreadful hell.

I must mention here that there are 84,00,000 of hells, out of which the following 21 are dreadful among the most dreadful.

The names of these hells are :

1. Tamisra - Darkness

2. Lauhashanku - Iron spears

3. Maharauravashalmali - Very terrible silk Cotton tree.

4. Raurava - Terrible

5. Kalasutraka - Blossoming

6. Putimrittika - Stinking Clay

7. Sanghata - The thread of death

8. Lohitoda - Iron weights

9. Savisha - Poisonous

10. Sampratapana - Burning

11. Mahaniraya - The great exit

12. Kaka - Crows

13. Ulu - Owls

14. Sanjivana - Living together

15. Mahapathin - The great path

16. Avichi - Waveless

17. Andhatamishra - Besetting Darkness

18. Kumbhipaka - Based like a pot

19. Sampratapana - Burning

20. Tapana - Hot

21. Kudmala - Accumulation

The sinful fools, who fall into these experience the various torments of these hells till ages.





 *The torments and punishments described in the Garuda Purana are so terrifying that if you read this book in young age, you will even stop killing a mosquito*

One example of such a torment is here :

The very sinful man who sets fire to a house, a village or wood is captured by the messengers of Yama and baked in pits of fire.

When his limbs are burnt with fire, he begs for shady place, and then is led by the messengers into a forest of sword-like leaves.

When his limbs are cut by its leaves, sharp as swords, then the messengers say, " Ah, Ha ! Sleep comfortably in this cool shade."

When efflicted with thirst, he begs for water to drink, then the messeners give him boiling oil to drink.

Then they say, "Drink this liquid and eat this food." As soon as he drinks it, he falls down, burning inside.

Getting up again somwhow, he wails piteously. Powerless and breathless, he is unable even to speak.

The Garuda Purana contains a huge quantum of such Punishments and torments which a sinful soul has to go through.

In my next article I will be writing about 'Re-birth'.

Also, what sins lead to re-birth in what forms of lives. Hope you must have found it interesting. Please do upvote and comment to support me spreading the word of our Holy Books !

Image Source : Google

Thanks a ton !



Death is a universal truth. No one can escape it. Whosoever takes birth on Earth, has to die one day and that is why Earth is also Known as "MrityuLok" or the Planet of Death. 

Our Hindu Scriptures are great, Our Vedas and Puranas have so much to read that I guess our one life isnt Sufficient for it. 

Now, coming back to the topic I would like to tell about"Garudapurana". Garudapurana is one of the 18 Puranas that we have, which is basically based in the conversation between Lord Vishnu and his Vaahan, who is the PAKSHIRAAJ GARUD, or the King Of Birds. 

One day Garuda asked Lord Vishnu, "Oh Lord please tell me what happens after the death of people ?" 

Lord Vishnu replied "Oh Garuda, the king of birds, I will not Only tell what happens after death, I will also tell you how a person dies. 

Sequence followed while death :

1. When a person grows old, he becomes like a dog, he sits anywhere, he sleeps anywhere, he says whatever he likes as a dog barks without any reason, he will eat whatever you feed him, he will make his place messy and dirty like a dog does. 

2.When a person is just about to die, a few minutes before dying he gets DIVYA-DRISHTI and he becomes able to see what we cant see with our naked eyes. He then sees the Two messengers knows as YAMADOOT whm we cant see, but only the person who is about to die can see them. Having received DIVYADRISHTI, just before dying, the person's whole life gets replayed in front of him starting from his birth. One by one All the incidents keep coming in front of the eyes of the dying person and that is the reason the dying person stops reacting to the nearby activites, even if someone tries to touch him or calls his name, the dying person wont react to it.

3.Since, the dying person gets DIVYADRISHTI and is able to see the Two YAMADOOTs, gets scared to such an extent that he loses control over his body. The YAMADOOTs look very scary, with extremely dark face and body, long nose and Long sharp nails, their eyes are so red and damn scary. Watching such a form of YAMADOOTs the dying person loses control over his body and even sometimes he urinates and excrets at the same place or bed due to the fear. 

4.Now, the YAMDOOTs come near the dying person and put a noose inside the body and try to pull the soul out of it.

5. The body resists to let the soul go out of it. But YAMDOOTs keep pulling it out, it happens for few seconds. What I am going to tell you now is more scary, when the soul is being pulled out of the body, the dying person feels intense pain. The pain experienced by the dying person when the soul is being pulled out of the body is equal to 100 scorpions stinging you at the same time. Now we can get an idea how painful is the process of death.

6. Ultimately the soul is pulled out of the body and the body temperature goes down, the body weight decreases by 21 grams and it becomes stiff. Friends, this was the process before, during and after death.

In my Future articles I will write about "What happens after Death" and the Travel path of the soul to the YAMALOKA.

Hope you will like the article, please like and share if you find it interesting ! :) Loads of love to you all !

Jai Hind !
