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What happened to Mandodary as per the epic Ramayana after the death of Ravana?

+2 votes
What happened to Mandodary as per the epic Ramayana after the death of Ravana?
posted Nov 14, 2016 by anonymous

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2 Answers

+1 vote

After Ram defeating Ravan, Rama advice Vibhishana (Ravan's younger brother) to rule kingdom of Lanka and marry Mandodari.

Vibhishana character in serial

Vibhishana character in a serial
Initially she refused but latter on agreed to marry him for the sake of her kingdom.
Mandodari kingdom of Lanka
The rest of the life Mandodari not only guided her second husband but also the kingdom of Lanka towards the righteous path.

answer Nov 21, 2016 by Rahul Chandel
0 votes

She married to Vibhishan and Lived happily thereafter.

answer Nov 14, 2016 by Salil Agrawal