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A slow burst into flame when air is blown on it, but when we blow air to the candle flame it puts off why?

+1 vote
A slow burst into flame when air is blown on it, but when we blow air to the candle flame it puts off why?
posted Jan 6, 2017 by anonymous

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Atmospheric air provides oxygen that induces flame while we blow out carbon dioxide which doesn't

1 Answer

+1 vote

Hi anonymous!
Oxygen is necessary for combustion.
Blowing out a candle makes the candle goes out. Because in candle the flame is due to burning of vapoutized wax. When we blow the candle the vapourized wax is removed from the heat source and the candle flame goes out.
Where as in the case of wood blowing on glowing wood or charcoal will make it burn faster. When you blow the fuel cannot move away. Here while blowing your adding air to the fuel so it catches fire easily.

Hope this is useful for you...

answer Aug 29, 2017 by Panchika Trivedi
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