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Calculate (123456789 X 123456789) - (123456788 X 123456790) without calculator?

–1 vote
Calculate (123456789 X 123456789) - (123456788 X 123456790) without calculator?
posted Sep 28, 2015 by anonymous

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3 Answers (Check Answer ▼)

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0 votes

Working from left to right, calculate the numbers in the order shown (without using order of operation).

Replace each question mark with a mathematical sign.

Plus, minus, multiply and divide can each be used once only.

What are the highest and lowest numbers you can possibly score?

8 ? 2 ? 4 ? 7 ? 6 = ?

0 votes

Working from left to right, calculate the numbers in the order shown (without using order of operation).

Replace each question mark with a mathematical sign. Plus, minus, multiply and divide can each be used once only.

In which order should they be used to score 1?

2 ? 3 ? 8 ? 6 ? 4 = 1

0 votes

With the numbers 123456789, make them add up to 100.

They must stay in the same order. (1 to 9)

You can use addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
