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In each sentence below, two words are incomplete. The two words end in the same three letters and rhyming.

+1 vote

In each sentence below, two words are incomplete. The two words end in the same three letters, so they look like they should rhyme, but they don't. See if you can figure out the missing letters in each sentence.
Example: One symptom of bronchitis is a ro___ co___. (The two words are: rough & cough.)

  1. I was in the l___ until I tripped and ended up d___ last.
  2. I cr___ the last time I sk___ because I broke a leg.
  3. We want to know wh___ book you ch___ for the award.
  4. A particular fast car could be called a qu___ Bu___.
posted Nov 5, 2015 by Divya Bharti

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In each sentence below, two words are incomplete. The two words end in the same three letters, so they look like they should rhyme, but they don't. See if you can figure out the missing letters in each sentence.
Example: One symptom of bronchitis is a ro___ co___. (The two words are: rough & cough.)

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+1 vote

In each sentence below, two words are incomplete. The two words end in the same three letters, so they look like they should rhyme, but they don't. See if you can figure out the missing letters in each sentence. Example: One symptom of bronchitis is a ro___ co___. (The two words are: rough & cough.)
1. When God speaks, it is a w___ from the L___.
2 After the fl___, Noah disembarked and st___ on Mount Ararat.
3. If it doesn't rain today, I will wa___ the garden la___.
4. He was so___ to wo___ his family by arriving home late.

+2 votes

In each sentence below, two words are incomplete. The two words end in the same three letters, so they look like they should rhyme, but they don't. See if you can figure out the missing letters in each sentence.
Example: One symptom of bronchitis is a ro___ co___. (The two words are: rough & cough.)

  1. A pig farmer's job could be called p___ w___.
  2. A dog injury could be called a ho___ wo___.
  3. For racing, a mixed ho___ is wo___ than a thoroughbred.
  4. I he___ your be___ has been shaved into a goatee.
+1 vote

In each sentence below, two words are incomplete.
The two words end in the same three letters, so they look like they should rhyme, but they don't.
See if you can figure out the missing letters in each sentence.
Ex - One symptom of bronchitis is a ro___ co___.
(The two words are: rough & cough)
1. A pig farmer's job could be called p___ w___.
2. A dog injury could be called a ho___ wo___.
3. For racing, a mixed ho___ is wo___ than a thoroughbred.
4. I he___ your be___ has been shaved into a goatee.

+1 vote

In each sentence below, two words are incomplete. The two words end in the same three letters, so they look like they should rhyme, but they don't. See if you can figure out the missing letters in each sentence.
Example: One symptom of bronchitis is a ro___ co___. (The two words are: rough & cough.)

  1. Money laundering doesn't mean to w___ c___.
  2. It may be na___ to wa___ your right to remain silent.
  3. A citrus devil could be called a le___ de___.
  4. It would de___ me if my gold claim should pe___ out.