Rearrange the letters to reveal words and phrases connected with Thanksgiving. 1. g r i m l i p s 2. v e r s a t i l e 3. M e n o v e r b 4. M r. S i d T u c k 5. O h, m e! 6. e a r c l o s e s 7. b o w s h i n e 8. p r a t t l e 9. D e a r P a 10. b e a r d
Rearrange the letters to form new words, phrases, places or names. The words in parentheses are hints. ONE ON ALP (conqueror) SEEK A PHRASE (playful fellow) KNEE CRUTCH ART (great ballet) NONE MISTER (soup) TOXIC NAME (April agony)
You are given pair of words, and your goal is to find a third word that is connected or associated with both of these two words. For example Piano and Lock. The answer is Key. The word key is connected with both the words Piano and lock: there are KEYS on a piano and you use a KEY to lock the doors. KEY is what is called a homograph: a word that has more than one meaning but is always spelled the same. 1. Bed -- Paper 2. Army -- Water 3. Tennis --- Noise 4. Egyptian -- Mother 5. Smoker -- Plumber
For each of the following, place the two words together and rearrange the letters to give a type of sauce.
What are the three sauces?