I am bound in a book but you cannot read me, I am struck and played but not musically, I am your equal in skill and also in stature, I am used in heat and light manufacture.
What am I?
A Match.
A book of matches. You strike a match and can play in a match. If someone is your match they can either look like you or be your equal in skill. A match can make heat and light.
Take your time do not fear. Sadly I am never clear. My answer stares you in the face. Read me over and over just in case. My answer will cause you pain. But a smile you will gain. Today I am like a July evening dream. To find my answer you may need a team. What am I ?
I can generate fear and some say I come out of your ears. I am as quite as a mouse but not welcomed in the house. What am I?
You can kill me but you can't eat me. You use me every day. I am always there. You cannot get away from me. If you can't manage me you must be disorganized.
I have many feathers to help me fly. I have a body and head, but I'm not alive. It is your strength which determines how far I go. You can hold me in your hand, but I'm never thrown.