x weeks = 7x days x days = x days Total = 8x days
My grandson is about as many days as my son is weeks. And my grandson is as many months as I am in years. My grandson, my son, and I together are 140 years. Can you tell me my age in years?
The population of rodents in a house doubles every day. Every day 25 rodents are killed. How many rodents are there if after every 4 days, the number of rodents becomes same again?
6 boys can complete writing 6 notebooks in 6 weeks. 4 girls can complete writing 4 notebooks in 4 weeks.
How many notebooks can 12 boys and 12 girls complete in 12 weeks?
When x^9 - x is factorized as completely as possible into polynomials and monomials with integral coefficients, how many factors are there?