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There are a few Indian cities and States guess and name them .

–1 vote
     1. Face
     2. Unmarried girl
     3. No zip
     4. Go and come
     5. Answer state
     6. Green gate
     7. Kings cot
     8. Snake land
     9. Make juice
    10. Mr. city
    11. Rhythm of eyes
    12. Elephants night
    13. Large state
    14. Mummy's maid
    15. Do acting 
posted Jun 13, 2014 by Ujjwal Mehra

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These are some name of Indian cities. Can you guess?

1.Mr Town
2.Fried Bread
3.Ear Town
4.Cut Tomorrow
5.House Of Goddess Of Destruction
6.Saint Hair
7.Broken Necklace
8 Pearl Lost
9.Seed City
10.Victory City
11.Clever City
12.Cow'S Spare
13.Religious Brother In Law
14.Bye Bye City
15.Nector City
16.Traffic City
17.Elephat Night
18.Mummy'S Maid

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Ja aur ah
An unmarried girl
Make juice
Mr city
King's court
Snake land

–2 votes
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