You are a cowboy. The cowboy is riding bareback on a paint horse. The horse falls down breaking its leg. The sun is setting quickly and the nearest house is 3 miles away. The chance of rain that night is at 75% The chance of snow is 33%. What color is the Cowboys hair?
My hair is red
First line is u r a cowboy. Therefore, the color of hair is black as mine is black.
You are driving a bus and the bus consists of 9 women, 3 couples, 4 cats, 10 bags, 2 men, 5 senior citizens, 5 purses, and 2 dogs. What is the color of the bus driver's hair?
If a yellow brick road is yellow, Blue from Blue’s Clues is blue and the White House is white, then what color is a greenhouse?
You are in a one-story house, and everything is blue. The floors, the ceiling, the walls, the tables, the chairs, everything is blue! What color are the stairs?
There was a white house with white bricks, a red house with red bricks, a blue house with blue bricks. What color were the green houses bricks?