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Guess me : I am white, grey, blue as well sometimes I'm wispy and others I swell with drops of vapor from the air.......

0 votes

I am white, grey, blue as well
sometimes I'm wispy and others I swell
with drops of vapor from the air
When driving through me give great care.
Many shapes in me you'll see up high,
but down below they're more difficult to spy
I can ruin a day or a ball game
bring tornadoes and rain.
I swiftly cover up the light
and rumbles within can cause great fright.

What am I?

posted Apr 19, 2016 by Riteshwar

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+1 vote

I'm sometimes used to settle hate,
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I live with first ones ,they use me well! For the others I am hell! For the third ones I am useless,you can't touch me but you can see me! I am always there within you! Seek for me and and I'm right there! What am I?
