I am 7 Letter word Most Humans want me. But they hate the first 4 letters of my name. If you get the 2nd, 3rd and 4th letter you are sick. The 5th, 6th and 7th letter are something with charge. Who am I ?
Something to do with charge => ion Sick => ill Somethng people hate => bill So people want => Billion
PILLION First Four Letter - PILL - hate it 5,6,7 - last three - ION - something with charge PILLION - most people want 2,3,5 - ill - sick
BILLION for Bill, I'll.ION
I am a 7 letter word. I like mornings. If you remove my 1st letter you can drink me. If you remove my 1st & 2nd letters, you may not like me. If you remove my last letter, you will see me on television. Answer is really very interesting Let us see who solves this....
I am a 9 letters name.
My first letter is silence.
2nd, 3rd and 4th letters represent a current moment or time.
5th, 6th and 7th letters spell an electronic component.
5th, 9th and 8th letters become a body part.
Who am I?
''The Fishermen love me.
But doctors hate me.
Kids want to eat me.
I am a 13 letter word''
who am I ?
Hint- _H_T_ _ _I_ _ME_
I am a 10 letter word 3,4,1 is part of pace 8,9,2,5 is a country 7,2,9 is a name of God 6,8 is a Musical Note 1,10,2 is a fruit
My whole means same from both sides. What am I ?
Am a six letter word.. My motto is together as one... If you remove my 1st and 2nd letters, people will wear me... If you remove my 3rd letter, am very painfull.. If you remove my 2nd, 3rd n 6th letters, Adam and eve did it... If you remove my 2nd n 3rd letters, people do it with their mouth.. guess who am i?