What is this famous saying?
zain yain xain wain vain uain tain sain rain qain oain nain main lain kain jain iain hain fain eain dain cain bain aain
The answer is No pain No gain . . Explanation- When you read the initial letter of each word from the backward you will notice that the words starting with g and p (i.e gain and pain) are missing . So the observation is that there is no pain and no gain among the words and hence the line.
A man is walking through heavy rain and he doesn't have anything covering his head. However, not a single hair on his head gets wet.
How is this possible?
Sahil was out for a walk and it started to rain. He did not have an umbrella and he wasn't wearing a hat. His clothes were soaked, yet not a single hair on his head got wet.
How could this be?