I’m a 8 Letter Word. first 4 is the Question, 2 3 4 Protects Our Head, 5 6 7 Is A Liquid In Tree & 7 & 8 R Same Letters. Who Am I ?
I am 9 letter word. First two letter denotes preposition. 7,5,7,8,9 means to stand. 9,1,5,7 is a part of vehicle. It is also spelled incorrectly in the Dictionary What is that word ?
I am an 8 letter word First 4 is the question 2,3,4 protects our head 6,7, 8 is a software 7,8 are same letters.
What am I?
I am an 8 letter word in which first 4 letters is the question, 234 protects from heat and 567 is a liquid in tree.
Who am I ?
I am a 6 letter word. Letters 6-5-2 spell out a drink. Letters 4-5-2-3 spell out a fruit. Letters 1-2-6 spell out a pet. Letters 3-2-6 spell out a pest, which often gets eaten by 1-2-6. What am I?
I am a 12 letter word. Letters 1 to 4 mean shout at the top of your voice! Letters 7 to 10 mean tail! Letters 11-10-3-4 mean trade! Letters 9-10-6-7 mean an animal! Letters 5 to 8 mean calfs cry!