A Monkey, a squirrel, and an Eagle are racing to the to the top of the mango tree. Assuming all these animals are in perfect shape, Which animal will reach to Banana first ?
None of them because you can’t get a banana from a mango tree.
Are you there with bananas on a mango tree?
In my garden, I have many trees but only one of them is the mango tree. In these mango trees, there are some mangoes(as expected).
But after a strong wind, there are neither mangoes on the tree nor on the ground. Explain?
As tall as a tree; As small as a bug; As fast as an eagle; And as slow as a slug. Many times in front or behind; But never on top and always aligned. What is it?
एक पीपल के पेड के नीचे पाँच आदमी खडे थे . 1.पहला आदमी गुगा था.. 2.दुसरा आदमी बहरा था.. 3.तीसरा आदमी अंधा था.. 4.चौथा आदमी के दोनो पैर नही थे.. 5. पांचवे के दोनो हाथ नही थे.. अब बताओ उपर से एक आम गिरा तो पहले कोनसा आदमी उठायेगा..!!
There are 100 animals in cages. The first is a monkey, followed by one dog and three pigs. Next is again a monkey, one dog and three pigs. Following this order what is the 99th animal?