Coffin The man who made it sold it. The man who bought it did not use it. (of course) The man who used it did not know it. (cause he is dead)
A woman bought a used car for $600 and sold it a friend for $800. She later bought it back for $1,000 and resold it for $1,200. Did she make any profit and if so, how much?
The man who invented it doesn’t want it. The man who bought it doesn’t need it. The man who needs it doesn’t know it. What is it?
Someone made me and sold me, The person who buys me doesn't use me, The person who will use me, won't know he is using me, Sooner or later most of the people will use me, Almost everybody wishes to use me as late as possible,
Who or what am I?
A man bought a chair and a table. If he sold the chair at 10% loss and the table at 7.5% gain, he would not loose anything, but if he sold the table at 5% loss and the chair at 5% gain, he would loss Rs. 15 in the bargain. What is the total cost price of a chair and a table?