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I am good at concealing what’s real and hide what’s true. Sometime, I bring out the courage in you! What am I?

0 votes
I am good at concealing what’s real and hide what’s true. Sometime, I bring out the courage in you! What am I?
posted Nov 18, 2016 by Vikram Luthra

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+1 vote

It’s true I bring serenity,

And hang around the stars,

But yet I live in misery,

You’ll find me behind bars.

With thieves and villains, I consort,

In prison I’ll be found,

But I would never go to court,

Unless there’s more than one.
What am i?

0 votes

It's true I bring serenity,
And hang around the stars,
But yet I live in misery,
You'll find me behind bars.
With thieves and villains I consort,
In prison I'll be found,
But I would never go to court,
Unless there's more than one.
What am i?

0 votes

You see me at night, by day you tell everyone about me.
I come back looking differently than before.
I sometime leave you in the darkness.
What am I?
