When you reverse the digits of the number 14 the number increases by 27, how many other two digits number increases by 27 when their digits are reversed?
25,36,47,58 and 69.
AB=14 BA=41 AB-BA=27 10A+B-(10B+A)=27 A-B=3 14,25,36,47,58,69
five other numbers
When a two digit number is multiplied by sum of its digits, the product is 715 but when the reverse of a two digit number is multiplied by sum of its digits the product obtained is 99 less. What is the sum of the digits of a number?
What is the number if it divides exactly by 13 and when you write its digits in reverse order you make a square number. (You get a square number when you multiply a number by itself - 64 is square because it is 8 times 8)
If the digits of a two-digit number are interchanged, the obtained number is 27 more than the original number. The digits of the number are in the ratio of 2 : 1, then What is the original number?
If the price of CNG increases by 12.5%, find how much per cent its consumption be reduced so as not to increase the expenditure.