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Guess me : I appear to be real but I’m not, I’m perfectly accurate but deceiving. I have no feelings or emotions......

0 votes

I appear to be real but I’m not,

I’m perfectly accurate but deceiving.

I have no feelings or emotions,

but the person I’m imitating does.

What am I?

posted Dec 28, 2016 by Riteshwar

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0 votes

You have no control over me,
I am not real, though sometimes you believe me,
I come back every night, but am often forgotten,
Though left alone, I will never become rotten,
Sometimes I remind you of things yet to come,
Sometimes, watching me, you do things you've never done,
I rarely ever turn out to be true,
Now I am done with this riddle for you.
What am I?

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I have no hard feelings towards geometry
But line and angle pertain to my enemy

Transparent surfaces afford my exposure
But at the same time, they comprise my enclosure

Should it be ultimately that boats my fate seal
You might later find me next to chips in a meal

What am I?

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I have many feathers to help me fly.
I have a body and head, but I'm not alive.
It is your strength which determines how far I go.
You can hold me in your hand, but I'm never thrown.

What am I?

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I'm not always around. I'm big but I look small. Many want to be called by my name and many are called by my name. What am I?

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I can be huge.
Or unusually small.
Kids use me daily.
Makes tales that are tall.

I can be real.
Or just a nice dream.
If you just use this thing.
Real - anything could seem.

I could be a monster.
Or an invention of times.
You can use me to think of ideas.
Or plot out huge crimes.

Without me, you're dull.
Just don't even try.
I just have one more thing left.
Do you know who am I?
