teeth is the answer when we are born we get temporary teeth when we grow we will get permanent teeth if it is removed we have to keep teeth by dentist and it costs money
The cost (per kg) of 3 qualities of rice are 45, 42 and 35 respectively. What will be the cost (per kg) of a mixture of 10 kg of first, 8 kg of second and 7 kg of third?
First I ate, Second and Third I applied, Fourth I rolled, Fifth I projected.
What am I?
My first is in kendo but not in Olympics. My second is in hurdles and in hunting. My third is in bowman and in bowling. My fourth is in cycling and in golf. My fifth is in flying and not in swimming. My last is in running and not in dancing. My whole is a sport.
I am a being with many faces. My first is peaceful and calm, but can kill you. My second is strong enough to smash ships but still fears the sun. My third flies when it's born and runs when it's dead. My fourth goes away and never returns. What am I?
My first is in PORCH but not in DOOR
My second is in APPLE but not in CORE
My third is in CAN and also in TIN
My fourth is in GAIN but not in WIN
My last is in SOIL and also in CLAY
My whole is an artificial waterway.