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I can’t go left, I can’t go right. I am forever stuck in a building over three stories high. What am I?

+3 votes
I can’t go left, I can’t go right. I am forever stuck in a building over three stories high. What am I?
posted Feb 8, 2017 by Udita

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2 Answers (Check Answer ▼)

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You are on the 6th floor ( 64 ft above ground) of a burning building and there is no escape except to jump into a deep pool of water below.

Hint: 64 ft was chosen to match up with 32ft/sec^2 - gravity acceleration, making the math quite easy.

How fast will you be traveling when hitting the water below (expressed in MPH).

BTW: this is an important question for those living in (or visiting) a high-rise apartment. Also, you may want to plot an acceleration curve. That way, at a glance, you can determine any speed of impact at any height.

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