Can you write a sentence that satisfies following three properties 1. Its a palindrome 2. The statement is true. 3. It Can be used as a template to generate an infinite number of sentences which are both palindromes and true.
"x", sides reversed, is "x". It can be infinitely extended as "x", sides reversed, is "x", sides reversed, is "x", sides reversed, is "x".
In the following sentence, fill in the blanks with three words that are the same except for their first letters.
The ----------- would --------- ---------- with soap than with body wash.
A part of the body is hidden in each of the following sentences. The first sentence contains "head." Can you find the rest?
The following sentence can be completed by adding two words that are anagrams of one another. Each word has only four letters. If you take a ---------- at the Mad Hatter's party, you still may not get a sip of his --------------.
The following sentence can be completed by adding two words that are anagrams of one another. Each word has only four letters.
If you prick your finger while picking a _________, it may be very_______.
A part of the body is hidden in each of the following sentences. The first sentence contains "head" Can you find the rest?