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There once was a man, who usually went to the bar on Sundays, and drank. But one..................How was this possible?

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There once was a man, who usually went to the bar on Sundays, and drank. But one particular Sunday, the man was drunk when he came across a rich man staring at an old bridge. The bridge was full of dirt, sod, and bugs. The rich man then saw that the drunk man was going to cross the dirty bridge. The rich man told him, "That bridge is so dirty, nobody wants to cross it. If you can cross it, without any part of your body touching it, I will pay you $1,000. If you do touch it with any part of your body, then you will have to pay me $100." Being drunk, the man agreed, but then suddenly realized what he was agreeing to. But then, he thought of an idea, and then crossed the bridge according to the rich man's rules, and later returned home $1,000 richer.
How was this possible?

posted Apr 8, 2017 by Divya Bharti

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